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Colliard Greens

Like kale, collards are non-head forming cabbages. They are quite similar genetically, but breeding and cultivating over the years has produced plants with different textures and flavor. Collards are a biennial vegetable but usually grown as an annual. The leaves are smooth and almost waxy, with pronounced veining and full of nutrituion. They are quite large, with a bright to dark green color, and the stems are fibrous, tough and span 20 to 36 in. tall and 24- to 36-in. wide. True to the Cruciferous family, collard flowers have four yellow petals in the form of a cross. The


A herbaceous perennial flower that grows in clumps naturally along riverbanks and ingrasslands. The plant grows slightly taller than it is wide (12 to 36 inches tall, 9 to 30 inches wide)mature. The large, pointed, dark green leaves are up to 8 inches long with a coarse, hairy texture.The lower leaves tend to be larger than the upper ones on the plant. Tiny bell-shaped flowers bloom inthe late spring in clusters off of drooping stems. Comfrey is nicknamed knitbone.


Bred into hundreds of varieties by Indigenous peoples of North and South America,corn isan annual member of the grass family. Corn is a warm-season crop, and it does best in temperaturesbetween 60 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (which corresponds with the spring and summergrowing seasons of many parts of North America). It grows 5-8 feet tall. VARIETIES: Silver Queen, Seneca Chief , Utopia, Golden Bantam, Seneca Horizon.


They grow on perennial thornless vines and have a tart, red berry and are related tobilberries, blueberries, and huckleberries. (subgenus Vaccinium). There are several varieties ofcranberry plants that can be used in home growing. The variety you choose will depend on what youintend to use the berries for. Cranberries are a ground cover, the uprights are about 8″ tall and theyhave runners that spread out on the ground. They have slender, wiry stems that are not thicklywoody and have small evergreen leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with very distinct reflexedpetals, leaving the style and stamens fully exposed and


The cucumber is an old world plant that was popular with American settlers. Like squash andpumpkins, cucumber is monoecious, producing separate male and female flowers so it must be pollinated by insects, or by hand. Being tropical plants, cucumbers are exceedingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Cucumbers are high yield plants that are relatively easy to grow in a backyard garden. Bush varieties of this tasty vegetable can even be grown in containers on an apartment porch or balcony. Varieties: Ashley, Burpless, Bush Champion, Dasher, Diva, Early Pride Seed Saving.

Cumin Seed

Cumin is not a frost hardy plant. It is a warm season annual in the family Apiaceae.This pungent herb has medicinal and culinary uses. The cumin plant grows to heights between 6and 24 inches (15-60 cm) uniformly. The flowers are small, white or pink, and borne in umbels.Each umbel has five to seven umbellets. The fruit is a lateral fusiform or ovoid achene containingtwo mericarps with a single seed. It’s grown for its seeds and are used whole (resembles a smallercaraway seed) or ground.


A type of berry on small shrubs and are native to North America. Currants are a hardy,easy-to-grow berry that complement many recipes. They are self-pollinating, so multiple plantsaren’t necessary to produce fruits. They can grow 3-6 feet wide and tall, and can range in color fromred, white, pink, or black. There is even a clove currant ( Ribes odoratum ), which is very fragrant.


A perennial member of the daisy family, dandelions are known for their bright yellowflowers, dark green leaves, and seed-spreading puffballs that children love to blow on. While theyare largely considered to be weeds, they can be harvested and used in many ways with some healthbenefits. Dandelions are edible from root to flower. Dandelions are perennials in most climates.Leave the plant in place if you want to have it come back every year. Young, small dandelion greens, also known as baby dandelion greens, are mild in flavor, so they aregreat in salads and smoothies. However, mature dandelion greens (larger ones)

Date Palm Tree

Palms are flowering evergreen plants. They are angiosperms that belong to theArecaceae family. The date palm has a commanding presence. It has regal fronds, a thicktrunk, and large bunches of sweet fruit, making it a stately addition to your garden. Thedate palm can grow up to 80 feet high and 40 feet wide, bearing large, sprawling, greenfronds at its peak. Late winter to early spring when flowering, this tree produces bunchesof pale yellow flowers that turn into its famous clusters of dates. Palm trees grow from thetop. New growth occurs on the top, with the oldest leaves at the


(Anethum graveolens). Other common names include: Dillweed, Dilly, Lao coriander and Peucedanumgraveolens. Dill is a culinary herb that has a distinctive flavor that’s a cross between celery and fennel. Native toEurope and Asia, dill plays a big role in seasoning pickled foods meant to be canned and stored for winter. Beyond that, both the leaves, stems and seeds are used to season a variety of dishes. Dill is an annual that will grow to between 2 and 4 feet tall, depending on conditions and the variety.

Colliard Greens

Like kale, collards are non-head forming cabbages. They are quite similar genetically, but breeding and cultivating over the years has produced plants with different textures and flavor. Collards are a biennial vegetable but usually grown as an annual. The leaves are smooth and almost waxy, with pronounced veining and full of nutrituion. They are quite large, with a bright to dark green color, and the stems are fibrous, tough and span 20 to 36 in. tall and 24- to 36-in. wide. True to the Cruciferous family, collard flowers have four yellow petals in the form of a cross. The


A herbaceous perennial flower that grows in clumps naturally along riverbanks and ingrasslands. The plant grows slightly taller than it is wide (12 to 36 inches tall, 9 to 30 inches wide)mature. The large, pointed, dark green leaves are up to 8 inches long with a coarse, hairy texture.The lower leaves tend to be larger than the upper ones on the plant. Tiny bell-shaped flowers bloom inthe late spring in clusters off of drooping stems. Comfrey is nicknamed knitbone.


Bred into hundreds of varieties by Indigenous peoples of North and South America,corn isan annual member of the grass family. Corn is a warm-season crop, and it does best in temperaturesbetween 60 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (which corresponds with the spring and summergrowing seasons of many parts of North America). It grows 5-8 feet tall. VARIETIES: Silver Queen, Seneca Chief , Utopia, Golden Bantam, Seneca Horizon.


They grow on perennial thornless vines and have a tart, red berry and are related tobilberries, blueberries, and huckleberries. (subgenus Vaccinium). There are several varieties ofcranberry plants that can be used in home growing. The variety you choose will depend on what youintend to use the berries for. Cranberries are a ground cover, the uprights are about 8″ tall and theyhave runners that spread out on the ground. They have slender, wiry stems that are not thicklywoody and have small evergreen leaves. The flowers are dark pink, with very distinct reflexedpetals, leaving the style and stamens fully exposed and


The cucumber is an old world plant that was popular with American settlers. Like squash andpumpkins, cucumber is monoecious, producing separate male and female flowers so it must be pollinated by insects, or by hand. Being tropical plants, cucumbers are exceedingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Cucumbers are high yield plants that are relatively easy to grow in a backyard garden. Bush varieties of this tasty vegetable can even be grown in containers on an apartment porch or balcony. Varieties: Ashley, Burpless, Bush Champion, Dasher, Diva, Early Pride Seed Saving.

Cumin Seed

Cumin is not a frost hardy plant. It is a warm season annual in the family Apiaceae.This pungent herb has medicinal and culinary uses. The cumin plant grows to heights between 6and 24 inches (15-60 cm) uniformly. The flowers are small, white or pink, and borne in umbels.Each umbel has five to seven umbellets. The fruit is a lateral fusiform or ovoid achene containingtwo mericarps with a single seed. It’s grown for its seeds and are used whole (resembles a smallercaraway seed) or ground.


A type of berry on small shrubs and are native to North America. Currants are a hardy,easy-to-grow berry that complement many recipes. They are self-pollinating, so multiple plantsaren’t necessary to produce fruits. They can grow 3-6 feet wide and tall, and can range in color fromred, white, pink, or black. There is even a clove currant ( Ribes odoratum ), which is very fragrant.


A perennial member of the daisy family, dandelions are known for their bright yellowflowers, dark green leaves, and seed-spreading puffballs that children love to blow on. While theyare largely considered to be weeds, they can be harvested and used in many ways with some healthbenefits. Dandelions are edible from root to flower. Dandelions are perennials in most climates.Leave the plant in place if you want to have it come back every year. Young, small dandelion greens, also known as baby dandelion greens, are mild in flavor, so they aregreat in salads and smoothies. However, mature dandelion greens (larger ones)

Date Palm Tree

Palms are flowering evergreen plants. They are angiosperms that belong to theArecaceae family. The date palm has a commanding presence. It has regal fronds, a thicktrunk, and large bunches of sweet fruit, making it a stately addition to your garden. Thedate palm can grow up to 80 feet high and 40 feet wide, bearing large, sprawling, greenfronds at its peak. Late winter to early spring when flowering, this tree produces bunchesof pale yellow flowers that turn into its famous clusters of dates. Palm trees grow from thetop. New growth occurs on the top, with the oldest leaves at the


(Anethum graveolens). Other common names include: Dillweed, Dilly, Lao coriander and Peucedanumgraveolens. Dill is a culinary herb that has a distinctive flavor that’s a cross between celery and fennel. Native toEurope and Asia, dill plays a big role in seasoning pickled foods meant to be canned and stored for winter. Beyond that, both the leaves, stems and seeds are used to season a variety of dishes. Dill is an annual that will grow to between 2 and 4 feet tall, depending on conditions and the variety.

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