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It’s a member of the mint family, it’s easy to grow, is a herbaceous perennial andthrives in a wide range of North America. The Nepeta cataria plant, more commonly known ascatnip, belongs to the Lamiaceae plant family. It’s famous for its euphoric effect on cats and medicinal uses for people. It is a bushy, branching herb that grows to 20 to 39 in. (50 to 100cm tall.Like many mints, its stems are square in cross section, and its leaves have a soft texture, beingcovered by minute hairs.


Cauliflower resembles broccoli, in that it is the immature flower stalk of the plant that is eaten, but it isusually white. There are varieties of cauliflower with colors from purple to pale green and varying flavors. Most cauliflower grows to about 14 inches in height. As a member of the brassica family so it has similar needs to broccoli and cabbage, but it is muchmore temperamental; it is less frost hardy, more likely to bolt and most likely to be attacked by insects.This is why it tends to be expensive in the supermarket. It is more work to grow

Celery, Celeriac

Celery is a Mediterranean plant that grows best in temperate climates with temperatures between 59and 70° Fahrenheit (15-21° Celsius). Because celery is a long-season crop, it can be difficult to grow insome areas and works best when seeds are started indoors. Though a bitstubborn at times, celeryplants will produce crisp, delicious stalks when grown in a temperate climate in moist, nitrogen-rich soil.Choose a type of celery that grows well in your climate zoneand prepare your garden to make sure youhave the best conditions for growing celery.

Che Tree

(Mandarian Melonberry) This under appreciated perennial, dioecious (male and femaleflowers on different plants) tree has fruit related to mulberry and fig with growing heights of 25 feetand the same width if left to grow for about 30 years. It’s family is Moraceae. The bark ripples withdeep furrows and in the spring thru summer both types of flowers are green and pea- sized. Themale flowers turn yellow as the pollen ripens and is released, while the wind-pollinated femaleflowers develop many small stigmas over the surface of the immature fruit. Male plants occasionallyhave a few female flowers which will set fruit.

Cherry Tree

Any of numerous trees and shrubs of the subqenus Prunus subg. Cerasusproducing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone. Also valuable for its hardwood.Cherry trees are very sensitive fruit-bearing trees. Standard-sized trees tend to be more resilient and yield more cherries. They are larger in size andhave a longer lifespan than dwarf trees. Dwarf trees are smaller and take up less space. They alsoyield fruit at a younger age, about 2 – 3 years old. Both sizes are popular for growing cherries, and you should select the best size to suit your climatezone and growing preferences.

Chestnut Tree

A tree of the genus Castanea , in the beech family Fagaceae. They are any ofseveral attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in aprickly bur. The chestnut tree has male and female flowers and is pollinated with the help of insectsand the wind.


It is an edible seed also rich in nutrients that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a species of flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae). Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain food. The plant has a height of 3 to 5 feet with a wide width of several feet. There are abundant upright spikes of blooms at the end of the stems with blue or white colors.


An herb from the fresh leaves of the coriander plant. In the family of Apiaceae.Cilantro has delicate, lacy green leaves, resembling flat leaf parsley. It has apungent, complex, citrusy flavor. Cilantro is a good choice for a butterfly garden, as the plant is abutterfly favorite, especially during the morning and evening. Cilantro is an annual plant, meaning itdoesn’t “come back” from the same seeds every year. But it does re-seed itself if you let it, whichmakes your job as a gardener a lot easier! Just wait for it to flower and let it drop the seeds to theground. Leave

Citrus Tree

Citrus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the rue family, Rutaceae. importantcrops such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes are in this assortment. If you livesomewhere that’s a bit colder than a strictly Mediterranean climate,look into cultivars bred for coldresistance. If you can taste fruit grown on a tree in your area, perhaps from a neighbor for not alloranges are alike.


It’s a member of the mint family, it’s easy to grow, is a herbaceous perennial andthrives in a wide range of North America. The Nepeta cataria plant, more commonly known ascatnip, belongs to the Lamiaceae plant family. It’s famous for its euphoric effect on cats and medicinal uses for people. It is a bushy, branching herb that grows to 20 to 39 in. (50 to 100cm tall.Like many mints, its stems are square in cross section, and its leaves have a soft texture, beingcovered by minute hairs.


Cauliflower resembles broccoli, in that it is the immature flower stalk of the plant that is eaten, but it isusually white. There are varieties of cauliflower with colors from purple to pale green and varying flavors. Most cauliflower grows to about 14 inches in height. As a member of the brassica family so it has similar needs to broccoli and cabbage, but it is muchmore temperamental; it is less frost hardy, more likely to bolt and most likely to be attacked by insects.This is why it tends to be expensive in the supermarket. It is more work to grow

Celery, Celeriac

Celery is a Mediterranean plant that grows best in temperate climates with temperatures between 59and 70° Fahrenheit (15-21° Celsius). Because celery is a long-season crop, it can be difficult to grow insome areas and works best when seeds are started indoors. Though a bitstubborn at times, celeryplants will produce crisp, delicious stalks when grown in a temperate climate in moist, nitrogen-rich soil.Choose a type of celery that grows well in your climate zoneand prepare your garden to make sure youhave the best conditions for growing celery.

Che Tree

(Mandarian Melonberry) This under appreciated perennial, dioecious (male and femaleflowers on different plants) tree has fruit related to mulberry and fig with growing heights of 25 feetand the same width if left to grow for about 30 years. It’s family is Moraceae. The bark ripples withdeep furrows and in the spring thru summer both types of flowers are green and pea- sized. Themale flowers turn yellow as the pollen ripens and is released, while the wind-pollinated femaleflowers develop many small stigmas over the surface of the immature fruit. Male plants occasionallyhave a few female flowers which will set fruit.

Cherry Tree

Any of numerous trees and shrubs of the subqenus Prunus subg. Cerasusproducing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone. Also valuable for its hardwood.Cherry trees are very sensitive fruit-bearing trees. Standard-sized trees tend to be more resilient and yield more cherries. They are larger in size andhave a longer lifespan than dwarf trees. Dwarf trees are smaller and take up less space. They alsoyield fruit at a younger age, about 2 – 3 years old. Both sizes are popular for growing cherries, and you should select the best size to suit your climatezone and growing preferences.

Chestnut Tree

A tree of the genus Castanea , in the beech family Fagaceae. They are any ofseveral attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in aprickly bur. The chestnut tree has male and female flowers and is pollinated with the help of insectsand the wind.


It is an edible seed also rich in nutrients that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a species of flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae). Chia seeds are an unprocessed, whole-grain food. The plant has a height of 3 to 5 feet with a wide width of several feet. There are abundant upright spikes of blooms at the end of the stems with blue or white colors.


An herb from the fresh leaves of the coriander plant. In the family of Apiaceae.Cilantro has delicate, lacy green leaves, resembling flat leaf parsley. It has apungent, complex, citrusy flavor. Cilantro is a good choice for a butterfly garden, as the plant is abutterfly favorite, especially during the morning and evening. Cilantro is an annual plant, meaning itdoesn’t “come back” from the same seeds every year. But it does re-seed itself if you let it, whichmakes your job as a gardener a lot easier! Just wait for it to flower and let it drop the seeds to theground. Leave

Citrus Tree

Citrus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the rue family, Rutaceae. importantcrops such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes are in this assortment. If you livesomewhere that’s a bit colder than a strictly Mediterranean climate,look into cultivars bred for coldresistance. If you can taste fruit grown on a tree in your area, perhaps from a neighbor for not alloranges are alike.

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