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Borage is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae. The flowers are perfect with five narrow, triangular-pointed petals which are most often blue, although pink flowers are sometimes observed. White-flowered types are also cultivated. The blue flower is genetically dominant over the white flower. Usually, borage grows roughly 40 cm (16 in) wide, but if the soil is fertile, the plant can grow to 60 cm (24 in). The height may grow 1 to 2 ft. tall. Traditionally, borage was cultivated for culinary, ornamental, and medicinal uses. Its other commonnames are: Starflower, Bee fodder, Bee-bread, Burrage, Common


A member of the cabbage family, developed for its clusters of immature flowersharvested before they bloom. The most common variety is green and grows in tight clusters with acentral head but there are other varieties that don’t have a central head but produce small shootsthroughout the season. Can grow up to 2 feet tall and can be quite bushy. Although broccoli is grown for its blossoms, the entire plant is edible raw or steamed.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts is part of the cabbage and broccoli family therefore they have similargrowing needs. Tiny cabbage heads form from the ground upward in leaf axils along the central stem.

Buffaloberry Shrub

Shepherdia is dioecious and called bullberry or buffaloberry (a genus of shrubs in theElaeagnaceae family). The plants are native to northern and western North America. Also calledsakakawea silver buffaloberry is with silvery, oblong leaves and predominantly red fruit and is winterhardy, drought and alkali tolerant, and is recommended for conservation use in multi-row farmsteadand field windbreaks, wildlife habitat. Native Americans worked mostly with the Russet Buffaloberry.


Cabbage is a hearty leaf vegetable that grows forms large compact heads. Originally anative of the northern Mediterranean, cabbage prefers cooler climates. It is easy to grow and comesin a large variety of colors with varying maturing times, after hundreds of years of being hybridized inNorth America. Varieties: Cannonball Cabbage, Bok Choy, Choy Sum, Napa Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, Red Cabbage.


Calendula is a great way to attract pollinators to your garden. It has much higher pollen levels thanits cousin, the marigold, making it more attractive to bees and butterflies. But it will also attract beneficial insects like lacewing and hoverfly. The best of its herbal medicine is stored in the sticky green bracts so be sure to use the full head in herbal stocks, teas, bone broths and soups.


Caraway is a herbaceous biennial plant in the family Apiaceae. It has finely divided,feathery leaves with thread-like divisions that grow on 8 to 12 in. (20–30 cm) stems. The main flowerstem is 16 to 24 in. (40–60 cm) tall, with small white or pink flowers in umbels. Caraway fruits, calledseeds, are 1/16 in.(2 mm) long with a crescent shape and five pale ridges. The first season it forms a rosette of leaves 8-10 inches tall that resembles a carrot with a long taproot. The second season the plant grows to 2-3 feet tall and produces a large, flat-topped flower


Cardamom is one of the most expensive and unique spices in the world. If you live in a very warm, humid climate (or in US Department of Agriculture zones 10 to 12), you can grow your own cardamom plant. Plants grow 6-10 feet tall (1.8-3.0 m)

Carob Tree

This is from a Carobaceae classification and the carob pods are edible. Carob(Ceratonia Siliqua) is member of the Fabaceae (Legume) family. (technically, locust trees are twogenera of plants, Robinia or Gleditsia and there are more than 22 species of locust trees. The ripe, dried, and sometimes toasted pod is often ground into carob powder where the powderand chips can be used as a chocolate alternative in most recipes. Carob flowers attract honey beesand in areas with healthy bee populations the very distinct aroma, blooming trees will be coveredwith thousands of bees. Information states that it is a dioecious tree,


A familiar, often bright orange root vegetable, popular cooked and raw. There are a wide variety ofcarrots of different shape and colour. Refined from a wild plant originating in the Middle East, mostcarrots will easily return to their original wild state if left to naturalize.


Borage is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae. The flowers are perfect with five narrow, triangular-pointed petals which are most often blue, although pink flowers are sometimes observed. White-flowered types are also cultivated. The blue flower is genetically dominant over the white flower. Usually, borage grows roughly 40 cm (16 in) wide, but if the soil is fertile, the plant can grow to 60 cm (24 in). The height may grow 1 to 2 ft. tall. Traditionally, borage was cultivated for culinary, ornamental, and medicinal uses. Its other commonnames are: Starflower, Bee fodder, Bee-bread, Burrage, Common


A member of the cabbage family, developed for its clusters of immature flowersharvested before they bloom. The most common variety is green and grows in tight clusters with acentral head but there are other varieties that don’t have a central head but produce small shootsthroughout the season. Can grow up to 2 feet tall and can be quite bushy. Although broccoli is grown for its blossoms, the entire plant is edible raw or steamed.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts is part of the cabbage and broccoli family therefore they have similargrowing needs. Tiny cabbage heads form from the ground upward in leaf axils along the central stem.

Buffaloberry Shrub

Shepherdia is dioecious and called bullberry or buffaloberry (a genus of shrubs in theElaeagnaceae family). The plants are native to northern and western North America. Also calledsakakawea silver buffaloberry is with silvery, oblong leaves and predominantly red fruit and is winterhardy, drought and alkali tolerant, and is recommended for conservation use in multi-row farmsteadand field windbreaks, wildlife habitat. Native Americans worked mostly with the Russet Buffaloberry.


Cabbage is a hearty leaf vegetable that grows forms large compact heads. Originally anative of the northern Mediterranean, cabbage prefers cooler climates. It is easy to grow and comesin a large variety of colors with varying maturing times, after hundreds of years of being hybridized inNorth America. Varieties: Cannonball Cabbage, Bok Choy, Choy Sum, Napa Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, Red Cabbage.


Calendula is a great way to attract pollinators to your garden. It has much higher pollen levels thanits cousin, the marigold, making it more attractive to bees and butterflies. But it will also attract beneficial insects like lacewing and hoverfly. The best of its herbal medicine is stored in the sticky green bracts so be sure to use the full head in herbal stocks, teas, bone broths and soups.


Caraway is a herbaceous biennial plant in the family Apiaceae. It has finely divided,feathery leaves with thread-like divisions that grow on 8 to 12 in. (20–30 cm) stems. The main flowerstem is 16 to 24 in. (40–60 cm) tall, with small white or pink flowers in umbels. Caraway fruits, calledseeds, are 1/16 in.(2 mm) long with a crescent shape and five pale ridges. The first season it forms a rosette of leaves 8-10 inches tall that resembles a carrot with a long taproot. The second season the plant grows to 2-3 feet tall and produces a large, flat-topped flower


Cardamom is one of the most expensive and unique spices in the world. If you live in a very warm, humid climate (or in US Department of Agriculture zones 10 to 12), you can grow your own cardamom plant. Plants grow 6-10 feet tall (1.8-3.0 m)

Carob Tree

This is from a Carobaceae classification and the carob pods are edible. Carob(Ceratonia Siliqua) is member of the Fabaceae (Legume) family. (technically, locust trees are twogenera of plants, Robinia or Gleditsia and there are more than 22 species of locust trees. The ripe, dried, and sometimes toasted pod is often ground into carob powder where the powderand chips can be used as a chocolate alternative in most recipes. Carob flowers attract honey beesand in areas with healthy bee populations the very distinct aroma, blooming trees will be coveredwith thousands of bees. Information states that it is a dioecious tree,


A familiar, often bright orange root vegetable, popular cooked and raw. There are a wide variety ofcarrots of different shape and colour. Refined from a wild plant originating in the Middle East, mostcarrots will easily return to their original wild state if left to naturalize.

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