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TPC Gardening and Non GMO Food Communal Gathering

Dedicated to exploring old and new technology to restore the earth to its former abundance.

Sharing ideas freely, we are building a body of knowledge for everyone to benefit from.

Our vision for the TPC Gardening Communal Gathering Forum is to provide a platform for people to find answers to their gardening questions.

It is a place where people can come to share ideas, and get information from other gardeners. There is a biweekly Zoom that anyone joining the Forum can attend. Any gardening issues or concerns are freely discussed.

We welcome knowledge and expertise, successes and failures; all broadens the information available. We have been talking about worm castings and tea, fungal compost, biochar, remineralization and building a healthy microbiome in soils.

Soil conditions have been degraded all over the earth by overuse, chemical fertilizers and herbicides. We are working on ways to heal the earth.

We are exploring the importance of working with nature to enrich our soils with the minerals and organic life needed to heal our bodies and support our health.

Growers are custodians of life. It is our responsibility to maximize the life, vitality and nutrition of the food we grow. Healthier and more delicious food, made more accessible to all, will improve the well being of humanity.

When we are in harmony with, and supportive of Nature, Nature rewards us with abundance. Organic gardening and farming practices that work in co-operation with the environment will not only make food for the body, it will make food for the soul. 

People are tired of living in places with little or no green space.  They are frustrated by the limited options offered in urban lifestyles. 

We can build and teach those immigrating to our growing world where communities can have places where children can play and once again feel safe connecting with nature. Both humans and local wildlife benefit from a healthier environment. Domesticated livestock can contribute to the health of the garden while providing additional food security and learning opportunities. Beautiful, verdant surroundings push back the concrete jungle with green spaces for people to gather to reduce stress and restore balance.

We are TPC!

" We are exploring co-operative ways
to build self reliant, sustainable communities. "

Under the umbrella of the TPC (The Peoples Club charity) which represents People helping People, we are a community of gardeners working together in cooperation to create a better way forward.
Growing Guides

Online Service & PDF

Culinary and Household Herbs Growing Guide

Herbs can be easy to grow indoors and outside. They can spice up your food and provide essential minerals and vitamins. Here you will find a comprehensive guide to growing almost 50 different fresh healthy culinary and medicinal herbs.

Fruit & Nuts Growing Guide

Nut and fruit trees are long lived and provide a substantial quantity of food. They also provide shade, wood/leaves, and even protection from wind. Here is how to grow over 60 fruit and nut trees that can provide abundant food and other resources for generations.

Vegetable Growing Guide

Growing your own vegetables can be easy if the conditions are right. Here is our compendium of over 50 annual and perennial vegetable plants. It is complete with planting guide, care guide, harvest and storage/preservation instructions.

Our Blog

Let´s get Tips & Tricks

Plant Hardiness Zones

Plant Hardiness Zones

The US Department of Agriculture created the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to provide a standard definition of climatic conditions relevant to plant growth and survival. It is used by the agriculture industry to define what plants grow best in what areas. By understanding what zone you’re located in, you can find out which plants will grow best in your area and which won’t.

How to Grow Soil

How to Grow Soil

Dirt is not the same as soil. Simply put, dirt is soil without any life. It is sterile. Dirt is ‘dead’. It contains no biology or non in a living state. Dirt is a mixture of minerals, sand, silt and clay. Sand particles are the largest. Silt are smaller yet and clay is even smaller. Sand will allow water to easily pass through it. Silt will allow water to pass through, but slower than sand. Clay, depending on the layering and the quantity, will block water. It is why clay pots are used to store water

Creating an Instant Garden

Creating an Instant Garden

The following process is called an instant garden and it was made popular by Bill Mollison, the person who coined the phrase Permaculture. In short, forests have the largest productions of any growing systems in the world. They also have the widest diversity of life, both above and below the surface of the soil.

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