One of the Vital solutions of Korean Natural Farming is the introduction of Indigenous Micro Organisms (IMO) into the soil to promote health and vitality.
IMO is collected by taking a box made from natural materials, 2/3 filled with hard cooked rice, with a breathable lid, and burying it up to 1 foot deep, under leaves and soil in an area near trees that has not been disturbed, that has has mycelium visible in the decomposing matter and soil.
Here are the notes from a member of our group who successfully collected IMO
Mid June and I am finishing my IMO-1, Collections for the year. 6 collections total. Refining my process to maximize the quality. Location is one I have previously used, as it has visible fungal activity under the leaf litter. I did a specialized IMO collection, that was rice mixed with 15-20 percent Meal worm Frass. It pre-Selects IMO that breaks down Chitin. Insects that feed on root crops, may be controlled with soil drenching with the Frass eating IMO. Plants are stimulated by the Frass , and produce insect inhibitors. I have been collecting it in the same location, on the mountain above my home. I have raked up additional leaf litter and added it to some already in the location. Both collection boxes are placed side by side and buried in the leaves… and covered with a tarp… in case of rain. It was checked every day to see if it was getting warm underneath. Box is brought in and opened for IMO-2 preparation when it is warm. The IMO’s Generate some heat. Once it feels warm, Even overnight or waiting until the end of the day… can lower the quality of the IMO… by allowing it to grow old, and start to turn grey. Monitor it closely and check it throughout the day, and pull it when you decide it is warm enough. Especially in warm weather. Cooler weather slows the process down.

Outer cover is reusable towel. Paper towel underneath and above collection. Prior collections were reusable cloth towel only. I have found that it was too porous… allowing moisture loss. I like the strength of the cloth, because leaf litter is piled on top. Paper towel alone is not strong enough. The double top retains the moist atmosphere above the rice.
Paper towel maintained a better atmosphere

Draws more moisture and the end product is more liquid… like a thick pudding, and will pour out of the bowl. A low moisture collection will be thicker, and not optimized. As you do more collections , you begin to rate them… and understanding how to make better collections results.
IMO-2 is the Sugared IMO-1. The Sugaring Process, makes the Mycelium shelf stable… also a critical step in destroying any pathogenic elements and “Training “ the IMO . Each IMO step, is selecting, refining and training the IMO’s Further.