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Basil plants are one of the most popular herbs to grow and also one of the easiest. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a member of the mint family. It is closely identified with Italian cooking, although it is originally from India. The extremely aromatic leaves also have a delightful variety of flavors, from the slightly lemony-mint of sweet basil to cinnamon and licorice. Leaf colors span from rich green to deep purple, with smooth or crinkled leaves. The flowers are insignificant but very popular with bees. All types of basil grow easily in warm, sunny weather. The leaves are

Bay Laurel

Delicious, fragrant bay leaves come from the bay laurel, a perennial shrub or tree with pale yellowflowers and black fruit, attractive olive-to- reddish bark, and dark leathery leaves. Bay leaves are incredibly versatile. The herb’s flavor complements rice dishes, soups and stews, Catalan and Greek recipes, and Creole cuisine. Bay leaf also works in pantries to repel grain beetles and silverfish, and it lends its aroma to candles, holiday wreaths, and potpourris. Common Names: Bay Leaf, Bay laurel, Grecian laurel, Sweet bay, and California laurelPlant Type and Size: Evergreen Tree/Shrub (trees can grow up to 25 feet). Hardiness Zones

Bean, Soybean

Soybeans are an edible legume that are very nutritious, as they are high in protein, calcium, fiber, iron,magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals. Soybeans are also very versatile, as they can be cooked,fermented, dried, and turned into products like milk, flour, tofu, and more. Soy is a huge crop for manycommercial farmers, but it can also be grown in your own backyard as long as you get a good three tofive months of warm weather. There are thousands of different types of soybeans. If you want to eat your soybeans, make sure youhave an edible, green variety. If you

Beans Common, Snap – Pole Beans, Bush Beans

The common bean was grown by Indigenous people in North America longbefore first contact. The Pole Bean is referred to as one of the “Three Sisters”, Climbing Beans,Corn and Squash, companion plants that grow together well and are complimentary foods wheneaten together. Bush beans, now known as Snap Beans, over many centuries gradually madetheir way North from South America, through trade and then were distributed to the old worldto compliment the many varieties that came from Europe and the East. Beans can be eatenraw, in the pod off the vine, cooked or when allowed to mature fully, the seeds

Beans, Tepary

Tepary beans are cultivated for their high protein and soluble fiber which are advertised as aiding inthe control of cholesterol and diabetes. They are highly draught tolerant and very resilient making themuseful in dessert environments. Plants that are cultivated today are either bush types or semi-vining.Plants have trifoliate leaves and short pods around 3 inches (8 cm) in length, green and lightly haired.Ripening to a light straw color, the pods hold 5-6 beans each. Varieties:Blue TeparyBrown Tepary (taste a bit earthier, used as a drybean)Light Brown Tepary Light Green Tepary Papago White TeparyIvory Coast White Tepary (slightly sweet tasting,used

Beech Tree

A common deciduous tree in forests, the beech tree has a trunk with smooth gray bark,2- to 3-feet in diameter. The leaves are up to 5 inches across, oval or elliptical in shape, dark greenin color with prominent veins that end in toothy edges. Yellowish green flowers appear in April toMay, and the female flowers give way to triangular- shaped beechnuts. The foliage turns goldenbronze in fall. This is a large tree, often growing to 80 feet or even more. Although sometimes used as a landscape tree, the American beech is not well suited to urbanconditions; it does not

Beets, Swiss Chard

Both the leaves and the roots are edible. Some beets are cultivated more forthe roots and some, known as Swiss Chard, are cultivated for leaves. Most common beets are purplebut there are varieties in many shapes and colours.


The bergamont herbs are perennial plants native to North America and are members of the mint family Lamiaceae. The blossoms, appearing in dense clusters stem terminal, last from July through September and make the plant an attractive addition to gardens. Members of the bergamont family come in a variety of colors – red, purple, or white. They can also have dark purple dots on the lower lips of their corollas. The individual flowers are tubular which is perfect for hummingbirds while bees and butterflies attract as well. Bergamont varieties have been valued for ornamental, culinary, and medicinal uses. The


A perennial shrub in the family Rosaceae that is grown for its aggregate black fruit.Though they grow wild in many areas of the world, the cultivated varieties produce distinctively darkberries that are juicy and sweet, and usually larger than their wild cousins.Traditional training varieties grow much like the wild blackberry, shooting out suckersand sprawling all over the place, which means they’ll need to be trellised with wires andtrained along them to control the growth. Old fruiting canes will need to be removed, butnew primocanes (new growth) will not need to be pruned. Trailing varieties oftenstruggle in regions with especially


Bees and wind help Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) bushes to cross-pollinate.Blueberries have both male and female organs on the same flower, but not all are self- pollinating. Ifyou want to be sure that your blueberries will be pollinated, plant different varieties within 100 feet(30.5 m) of each other. Doing so allows bees to travel between plants and cross-pollinate. Highbush is the most common type of blueberry and it yields large, dark berries onbushes six to eight feet tall. The Lowbush super-hardy variety grows low to the ground between 6and 18 inches tall. If you do not have a lot of


Basil plants are one of the most popular herbs to grow and also one of the easiest. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a member of the mint family. It is closely identified with Italian cooking, although it is originally from India. The extremely aromatic leaves also have a delightful variety of flavors, from the slightly lemony-mint of sweet basil to cinnamon and licorice. Leaf colors span from rich green to deep purple, with smooth or crinkled leaves. The flowers are insignificant but very popular with bees. All types of basil grow easily in warm, sunny weather. The leaves are

Bay Laurel

Delicious, fragrant bay leaves come from the bay laurel, a perennial shrub or tree with pale yellowflowers and black fruit, attractive olive-to- reddish bark, and dark leathery leaves. Bay leaves are incredibly versatile. The herb’s flavor complements rice dishes, soups and stews, Catalan and Greek recipes, and Creole cuisine. Bay leaf also works in pantries to repel grain beetles and silverfish, and it lends its aroma to candles, holiday wreaths, and potpourris. Common Names: Bay Leaf, Bay laurel, Grecian laurel, Sweet bay, and California laurelPlant Type and Size: Evergreen Tree/Shrub (trees can grow up to 25 feet). Hardiness Zones

Bean, Soybean

Soybeans are an edible legume that are very nutritious, as they are high in protein, calcium, fiber, iron,magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals. Soybeans are also very versatile, as they can be cooked,fermented, dried, and turned into products like milk, flour, tofu, and more. Soy is a huge crop for manycommercial farmers, but it can also be grown in your own backyard as long as you get a good three tofive months of warm weather. There are thousands of different types of soybeans. If you want to eat your soybeans, make sure youhave an edible, green variety. If you

Beans Common, Snap – Pole Beans, Bush Beans

The common bean was grown by Indigenous people in North America longbefore first contact. The Pole Bean is referred to as one of the “Three Sisters”, Climbing Beans,Corn and Squash, companion plants that grow together well and are complimentary foods wheneaten together. Bush beans, now known as Snap Beans, over many centuries gradually madetheir way North from South America, through trade and then were distributed to the old worldto compliment the many varieties that came from Europe and the East. Beans can be eatenraw, in the pod off the vine, cooked or when allowed to mature fully, the seeds

Beans, Tepary

Tepary beans are cultivated for their high protein and soluble fiber which are advertised as aiding inthe control of cholesterol and diabetes. They are highly draught tolerant and very resilient making themuseful in dessert environments. Plants that are cultivated today are either bush types or semi-vining.Plants have trifoliate leaves and short pods around 3 inches (8 cm) in length, green and lightly haired.Ripening to a light straw color, the pods hold 5-6 beans each. Varieties:Blue TeparyBrown Tepary (taste a bit earthier, used as a drybean)Light Brown Tepary Light Green Tepary Papago White TeparyIvory Coast White Tepary (slightly sweet tasting,used

Beech Tree

A common deciduous tree in forests, the beech tree has a trunk with smooth gray bark,2- to 3-feet in diameter. The leaves are up to 5 inches across, oval or elliptical in shape, dark greenin color with prominent veins that end in toothy edges. Yellowish green flowers appear in April toMay, and the female flowers give way to triangular- shaped beechnuts. The foliage turns goldenbronze in fall. This is a large tree, often growing to 80 feet or even more. Although sometimes used as a landscape tree, the American beech is not well suited to urbanconditions; it does not

Beets, Swiss Chard

Both the leaves and the roots are edible. Some beets are cultivated more forthe roots and some, known as Swiss Chard, are cultivated for leaves. Most common beets are purplebut there are varieties in many shapes and colours.


The bergamont herbs are perennial plants native to North America and are members of the mint family Lamiaceae. The blossoms, appearing in dense clusters stem terminal, last from July through September and make the plant an attractive addition to gardens. Members of the bergamont family come in a variety of colors – red, purple, or white. They can also have dark purple dots on the lower lips of their corollas. The individual flowers are tubular which is perfect for hummingbirds while bees and butterflies attract as well. Bergamont varieties have been valued for ornamental, culinary, and medicinal uses. The


A perennial shrub in the family Rosaceae that is grown for its aggregate black fruit.Though they grow wild in many areas of the world, the cultivated varieties produce distinctively darkberries that are juicy and sweet, and usually larger than their wild cousins.Traditional training varieties grow much like the wild blackberry, shooting out suckersand sprawling all over the place, which means they’ll need to be trellised with wires andtrained along them to control the growth. Old fruiting canes will need to be removed, butnew primocanes (new growth) will not need to be pruned. Trailing varieties oftenstruggle in regions with especially


Bees and wind help Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) bushes to cross-pollinate.Blueberries have both male and female organs on the same flower, but not all are self- pollinating. Ifyou want to be sure that your blueberries will be pollinated, plant different varieties within 100 feet(30.5 m) of each other. Doing so allows bees to travel between plants and cross-pollinate. Highbush is the most common type of blueberry and it yields large, dark berries onbushes six to eight feet tall. The Lowbush super-hardy variety grows low to the ground between 6and 18 inches tall. If you do not have a lot of

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Plant Hardiness Zones

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Creating an Instant Garden

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