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This bush is from the family Ericaceae. Lingonberries are also referred to ascowberries, mountain or lowbush cranberries, red bilberries or whortleberries. They are a closerelative of the cranberry and blueberry. Leaves of the lingonberry are shiny on a low-growingevergreen shrub that reaches from 12-18 inches (30-46 cm.) high and 18 inches across. They areself-pollinating so you only need one plant to get fruit. It blooms are very dainty bell shaped flowersin white or pink. In the Americas, a dwarf variation is more common. It grows to be only 4-6″ inheight, and plants spread to roughly 12″ across.

Loquat Tree

This is a subtropical tree of the rose family Rosaceae grown for its evergreen foliageand edible fruit. It can grow up to 30-feet but for those gardeners that keep the tree under 10-feet inheight, it starts to take on the appearance of a shrub that can have a 20 to 30 year life-span. Theperennial nature of this shrub has other names known as Japanese plum or medlar, the Chineseplum, and May Apple. There are many different uses in traditional medicine for the fruit. The flowersform on the tips of the branches that are younger than 6-months and produce the


Lovage is an herbaceous perennial that grows 3 to 6 feet tall and with a 32 inch spread. As part of the Apiacaea family, it is closely related to carrot, celery, and parsley. It grows in mounded clumps,stems rise above foliage, topped with sprays of tiny yellow-white flower umbels that bloom mid to late summer. The glossy compound leaves that are divided grow from the thick stalks. It looks like giant celery.

Lychee Tree

The most notable of the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, Lychee trees bloom in the latewinter to early spring. It is a broadleaf evergreen fruit tree. The resulting fruits are actually drupes,which are borne in clusters of from 3-50 fruits. The fruit is round to oval and 1-1.5 inches (25-38 mm.)across and a bumpy textured pink to red in color. Once peeled, the interior of fruit is whitish, semitransparent, and juicy. Each drupe contains one shiny, dark brown seed. The tree is familiar to Florida,Hawaii, southern California, and southern Texas. While some subtropical fruits, such as these, maysurvive outdoors only in

Magnolia Berry Vine

This beautiful deciduous, perennial, climbing, woody vine belongs to the Schisandraceaefamily. that grows about 9 m (29ft 6in) tall. The plant is found growing in mixed forests, especially onthe periphery, also by streams and brooks, and usually on sandy soils. It can grow around 30 ft. long(9m). Common names are Chinese magnolia vine, Five-flavor-fruit, Schisandra, Schizandra,Schizandra berry and lemon wood. Bearing small lightly fragrant magnolia-like flowers, it will produce striking crimson berries with brownstems (1 m of new growth a year) and can either twine round the support or spread along the ground.Leaves are alternately arranged, tough, glossy, dark

Malabar Spinach

Malabar spinach is a member of the Basellaceae family. This plant isn’t a true spinach, but its foliage does indeed resemble that green leafy vegetable. Also known as Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui, acelga trapadora, bratana, libato, vine spinach, and Malabar nightshade. Basella alba is a green leaf variety while the red leaf variety belongs to the B. rubra species, which has purplish stems. The leaves of Malabar are in dark green and have a shape of the heart. The appearance of the leaves is slightly glossy.

Maple Tree, Sugar Maple Tree

There are many types of maple trees, but only one sugar maple (Aceraceae Maple family). All maple trees produce sap which contains sugar, and most can be used to make syrup, but the sugar maple is considered the best for syrup production. Sugar maple leaves will have a dark green color on the outside, and a lighter green on the underside.In the fall, sugar maple leaves will lose their green color and take on a beautiful orange, yellow, or red.Sugar maple leaves are segmented into 5 lobes. There should be three large, main lobes and onesmaller lobe on either


(Or marsh-mallow), aka Althaea officinalis. Marshmallow is a perennial flowering plant that grows in damp areas. It stands 3-4 feet high with a branched stem. The leaves are soft and hairy with three divisions, sort of like a maple leaf. Along the upper stalk, beautiful flowers appear. The flowers have five heart-shaped petals that range in many colors, from white to pink or mauve. These flowers appear in late summer from July to September For centuries, it grew wild in sunny, cool locations, such as along the edges of lakes or marshlands. You can still find it wild or

Melons – Muskmelon, Watermelon, Cantaloupe

Melons are annuals and belong to the Cucurbitaceae family with different typesvarying in size, shape, color, texture, and sweetness. Melons requiring similar conditions forplanting and growing are watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and muskmelon. (grown insummer for harvest by early autumn).


Aka Mentha spp. Mint species (Mentha spp.) are very hardy perennials that are simple to identify not just because of their fresh and spicy scent but because all members of the mint genus have opposite leaves and square stems. Long stems grow upward, flop over, and roots will form where the stems touch the soil enabling the mint plant to spread quite aggressively. Its small white or purple summer-blooming flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Mint plants grow quickly and should be planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Mint is toxic to animals


This bush is from the family Ericaceae. Lingonberries are also referred to ascowberries, mountain or lowbush cranberries, red bilberries or whortleberries. They are a closerelative of the cranberry and blueberry. Leaves of the lingonberry are shiny on a low-growingevergreen shrub that reaches from 12-18 inches (30-46 cm.) high and 18 inches across. They areself-pollinating so you only need one plant to get fruit. It blooms are very dainty bell shaped flowersin white or pink. In the Americas, a dwarf variation is more common. It grows to be only 4-6″ inheight, and plants spread to roughly 12″ across.

Loquat Tree

This is a subtropical tree of the rose family Rosaceae grown for its evergreen foliageand edible fruit. It can grow up to 30-feet but for those gardeners that keep the tree under 10-feet inheight, it starts to take on the appearance of a shrub that can have a 20 to 30 year life-span. Theperennial nature of this shrub has other names known as Japanese plum or medlar, the Chineseplum, and May Apple. There are many different uses in traditional medicine for the fruit. The flowersform on the tips of the branches that are younger than 6-months and produce the


Lovage is an herbaceous perennial that grows 3 to 6 feet tall and with a 32 inch spread. As part of the Apiacaea family, it is closely related to carrot, celery, and parsley. It grows in mounded clumps,stems rise above foliage, topped with sprays of tiny yellow-white flower umbels that bloom mid to late summer. The glossy compound leaves that are divided grow from the thick stalks. It looks like giant celery.

Lychee Tree

The most notable of the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, Lychee trees bloom in the latewinter to early spring. It is a broadleaf evergreen fruit tree. The resulting fruits are actually drupes,which are borne in clusters of from 3-50 fruits. The fruit is round to oval and 1-1.5 inches (25-38 mm.)across and a bumpy textured pink to red in color. Once peeled, the interior of fruit is whitish, semitransparent, and juicy. Each drupe contains one shiny, dark brown seed. The tree is familiar to Florida,Hawaii, southern California, and southern Texas. While some subtropical fruits, such as these, maysurvive outdoors only in

Magnolia Berry Vine

This beautiful deciduous, perennial, climbing, woody vine belongs to the Schisandraceaefamily. that grows about 9 m (29ft 6in) tall. The plant is found growing in mixed forests, especially onthe periphery, also by streams and brooks, and usually on sandy soils. It can grow around 30 ft. long(9m). Common names are Chinese magnolia vine, Five-flavor-fruit, Schisandra, Schizandra,Schizandra berry and lemon wood. Bearing small lightly fragrant magnolia-like flowers, it will produce striking crimson berries with brownstems (1 m of new growth a year) and can either twine round the support or spread along the ground.Leaves are alternately arranged, tough, glossy, dark

Malabar Spinach

Malabar spinach is a member of the Basellaceae family. This plant isn’t a true spinach, but its foliage does indeed resemble that green leafy vegetable. Also known as Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui, acelga trapadora, bratana, libato, vine spinach, and Malabar nightshade. Basella alba is a green leaf variety while the red leaf variety belongs to the B. rubra species, which has purplish stems. The leaves of Malabar are in dark green and have a shape of the heart. The appearance of the leaves is slightly glossy.

Maple Tree, Sugar Maple Tree

There are many types of maple trees, but only one sugar maple (Aceraceae Maple family). All maple trees produce sap which contains sugar, and most can be used to make syrup, but the sugar maple is considered the best for syrup production. Sugar maple leaves will have a dark green color on the outside, and a lighter green on the underside.In the fall, sugar maple leaves will lose their green color and take on a beautiful orange, yellow, or red.Sugar maple leaves are segmented into 5 lobes. There should be three large, main lobes and onesmaller lobe on either


(Or marsh-mallow), aka Althaea officinalis. Marshmallow is a perennial flowering plant that grows in damp areas. It stands 3-4 feet high with a branched stem. The leaves are soft and hairy with three divisions, sort of like a maple leaf. Along the upper stalk, beautiful flowers appear. The flowers have five heart-shaped petals that range in many colors, from white to pink or mauve. These flowers appear in late summer from July to September For centuries, it grew wild in sunny, cool locations, such as along the edges of lakes or marshlands. You can still find it wild or

Melons – Muskmelon, Watermelon, Cantaloupe

Melons are annuals and belong to the Cucurbitaceae family with different typesvarying in size, shape, color, texture, and sweetness. Melons requiring similar conditions forplanting and growing are watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and muskmelon. (grown insummer for harvest by early autumn).


Aka Mentha spp. Mint species (Mentha spp.) are very hardy perennials that are simple to identify not just because of their fresh and spicy scent but because all members of the mint genus have opposite leaves and square stems. Long stems grow upward, flop over, and roots will form where the stems touch the soil enabling the mint plant to spread quite aggressively. Its small white or purple summer-blooming flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Mint plants grow quickly and should be planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Mint is toxic to animals

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