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Almond Tree

The deciduous almond tree’s fruit is a drupe, encased by an outer hull containing a woody shell. Within the genus Prunus, it is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdalus, Almonds trees produce very sweet blossoms in the spring, to attract the bees for pollination. Don’t be alarmed if your trees are crawling with bees. That’s what you want.

Aloe Vera

is a species of succulent plant that thrives in dry, hot regions of the world. Aloe vera is a stemless or very hort-stemmed succulent plant that can grow as high as three feet tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy, reen to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. Yellow flowers may grow on outdoor aloe plants, but not on indoor potted aloe plants. Aloe plants are made up of 95 percent water, and even a slight frost will freeze them and turn them to mush. Aloe barbadensis is the type of


Other Names — Anis de Chine, Anís Estrellado, Anis Étoilé, Anis Étoilé Chinois, Aniseed Stars, AnisiStellati Fructus, Ba Jiao Hui, Badiana, Badiane, Badiane de Chine, Bajiao, Chinese Anise, ChineseStar Anise, Eight-Horned Anise, Eight Horns, and Illicium verum. USDA Zones- 8–11; If the temperature falls below 15F, your plant will die. Therefore, If you live in thenorth, you should avoid growing this tree. Growing star anise is easy in subtropical climates. It is adorned with beautiful flowers and fruits thatare star-shaped. It is a tropical evergreen tree, tall between 5-10 m. Star anise has large glossy greenfoliage, its white flowers

Apple Tree

Sturdy trees that provides shade as well as a bounty of delicious fruit that are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus


The apricot tree (Prunus armeniaca) is healthy and delicious. Apricots are stone fruit (drupes) that are smaller than peaches, softer than plums. It’s best to find good fruit shopping at the peak of their season. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are in season mid-May through mid-August. In the Southern Hemisphere, they are in season November through January. Growing your own, you need two trees that are different varieties of the same fruit species to cross pollinate because two trees of the same variety will not.

Aronia (Chokeberry)

Aronia is a genus of perennial deciduous shrubs, the chokeberries, in the familyRosaceae most commonly found in wet woods and swamps. This superfruit is grown for its beauty asan ornamental with deep green foliage as backdrop for its pretty white flowers in the spring, and withthe contrast of its deep purple berries nestled into its red-orange leaves in the fall.

Artichokes, Globe

A native of the humid warm climates of the southern Mediterranean, Globe Artichoke is grown in North America as an edible ornamental.  This tall thistle like plant can reach up to 10 feet in optimal conditions.  It is primarily grown for its immature flower buds which are edible.  A perennial in areas with milder winters and even considered a weed in some areas, it is a perennial that is grown as an annual in Northern climates.


Asparagus is a hardy perennial vegetable native to the seacoasts of Europe and eastern Asia, Early settlers brought asparagus to North America. The underground portion of the plant consists of a network of rhizomes, fleshy storage roots, and fibrous roots. The fleshy roots (as well as the spears) are initiated from the rhizomes. Together, the fleshy roots and rhizome make up the crown, which is the perennial portion of the asparagus plant. Fleshy roots serve not only as storage organs for the carbohydrates received from the fern, but also as the site of fibrous root development. Fibrous roots, which

Avocado Tree

Known as Persea Americanus serves well raw in mixed greens and guacamole and has a lot of nourishment so some us will eat it alone like an apple. You can grow this fantastic food from itsseed that you would usually just discard.


While banana plants are technically perennial herbs, Bananas are not real trees, noteven palm trees, even though they are often called banana palms. Some varieties and individualscan reach 7.6 m (25ft.) in height. Banana trunks consists of all the leaf stalks wrapped around eachother. New leaves start growing inside, below the ground. They push up through the middle andemerge from the center of the crown. So does the flower, which finally turns into a bunch ofbananas.

Almond Tree

The deciduous almond tree’s fruit is a drupe, encased by an outer hull containing a woody shell. Within the genus Prunus, it is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdalus, Almonds trees produce very sweet blossoms in the spring, to attract the bees for pollination. Don’t be alarmed if your trees are crawling with bees. That’s what you want.

Aloe Vera

is a species of succulent plant that thrives in dry, hot regions of the world. Aloe vera is a stemless or very hort-stemmed succulent plant that can grow as high as three feet tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy, reen to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. Yellow flowers may grow on outdoor aloe plants, but not on indoor potted aloe plants. Aloe plants are made up of 95 percent water, and even a slight frost will freeze them and turn them to mush. Aloe barbadensis is the type of


Other Names — Anis de Chine, Anís Estrellado, Anis Étoilé, Anis Étoilé Chinois, Aniseed Stars, AnisiStellati Fructus, Ba Jiao Hui, Badiana, Badiane, Badiane de Chine, Bajiao, Chinese Anise, ChineseStar Anise, Eight-Horned Anise, Eight Horns, and Illicium verum. USDA Zones- 8–11; If the temperature falls below 15F, your plant will die. Therefore, If you live in thenorth, you should avoid growing this tree. Growing star anise is easy in subtropical climates. It is adorned with beautiful flowers and fruits thatare star-shaped. It is a tropical evergreen tree, tall between 5-10 m. Star anise has large glossy greenfoliage, its white flowers

Apple Tree

Sturdy trees that provides shade as well as a bounty of delicious fruit that are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus


The apricot tree (Prunus armeniaca) is healthy and delicious. Apricots are stone fruit (drupes) that are smaller than peaches, softer than plums. It’s best to find good fruit shopping at the peak of their season. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are in season mid-May through mid-August. In the Southern Hemisphere, they are in season November through January. Growing your own, you need two trees that are different varieties of the same fruit species to cross pollinate because two trees of the same variety will not.

Aronia (Chokeberry)

Aronia is a genus of perennial deciduous shrubs, the chokeberries, in the familyRosaceae most commonly found in wet woods and swamps. This superfruit is grown for its beauty asan ornamental with deep green foliage as backdrop for its pretty white flowers in the spring, and withthe contrast of its deep purple berries nestled into its red-orange leaves in the fall.

Artichokes, Globe

A native of the humid warm climates of the southern Mediterranean, Globe Artichoke is grown in North America as an edible ornamental.  This tall thistle like plant can reach up to 10 feet in optimal conditions.  It is primarily grown for its immature flower buds which are edible.  A perennial in areas with milder winters and even considered a weed in some areas, it is a perennial that is grown as an annual in Northern climates.


Asparagus is a hardy perennial vegetable native to the seacoasts of Europe and eastern Asia, Early settlers brought asparagus to North America. The underground portion of the plant consists of a network of rhizomes, fleshy storage roots, and fibrous roots. The fleshy roots (as well as the spears) are initiated from the rhizomes. Together, the fleshy roots and rhizome make up the crown, which is the perennial portion of the asparagus plant. Fleshy roots serve not only as storage organs for the carbohydrates received from the fern, but also as the site of fibrous root development. Fibrous roots, which

Avocado Tree

Known as Persea Americanus serves well raw in mixed greens and guacamole and has a lot of nourishment so some us will eat it alone like an apple. You can grow this fantastic food from itsseed that you would usually just discard.


While banana plants are technically perennial herbs, Bananas are not real trees, noteven palm trees, even though they are often called banana palms. Some varieties and individualscan reach 7.6 m (25ft.) in height. Banana trunks consists of all the leaf stalks wrapped around eachother. New leaves start growing inside, below the ground. They push up through the middle andemerge from the center of the crown. So does the flower, which finally turns into a bunch ofbananas.

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