Perennial rhizome which grows annual stems about one meter tall bearing narrowleaf blades and bear flowers having pale yellow petals with purple edges.
Healthy and nutritious vegetables can be easily grown, given the right conditions. Our instructional list of over 50 annual and perennial vegetables has something for everyone in all climate zones.
Perennial rhizome which grows annual stems about one meter tall bearing narrowleaf blades and bear flowers having pale yellow petals with purple edges.
Gourds come in dozens of species, each with its own unique shape, color, and size.Gourds come in three general types: ornamental gourds (cucurbita), utilitarian gourds (lagenaria), andvegetable sponge gourds (luffa). Also consider including a few different kinds of edible gourds. Ornamental gourds are brightly colored and oddly shaped, typically used as decoration.The haveorange and yellow flowers. Utilitarian gourds are green while growing, and then dry a brown shade.These gourds are most often used for tools and utensils because of their tough shell. Vegetablesponge gourds have a shell that can be peeled off, revealing a center that can be used
Pungent root vegetable that is commonly used to impart a zesty, hot flavor to foods.Horseradish is a hardy perennial. 1-2 horseradish plants will probably be enough for most households.A little goes a long way.
Tuber as nutritious food source (plant is a relative to the sunflower).Botanical Name: Helianthus tuberosus
Kale (Brassica Oleracea) is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a group ofvegetables including cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts and is one of the most nutritionallydense foods you’ll find. Kale is often called a “superfood” because it is packed with nutrients such ascalcium, potassium, beta carotene, and other antioxidants. Kale is a hardy biennial (it flowers on thesecond year of growth and completes its life-cycle),but it is usually grown as an annual.Varieties/Description: 1 Brazilian KaleBrazilian Kale is small to medium in size, growing on heads averaging 30-45 centimeters in height,and consists of broad, flat, and
Kohlrabi is a brassica, in the cabbage family. Popular in Germanyand India, the kohlrabi is a crisp andversatile vegetable. This hardy biennial is often grown as an annual. It is easy to grow in mild climates,making it a unique and delicious addition to any garden. Increasingly popular, kohlrabi is also availablein differentvarieties, all easy to grow, with slight variations in look and time tomaturity. The biggestdifference is whether or not you pick a green or purple variety. Varieties:Green kohlrabi varieties include the Korridor and the Winner,which mature quickly, in about 50 days,compared to about 60 for some other varieties.
Annual or biennial from the family Asteraceae and is a self- pollinating plant grown for itsleaves which are used as salad greens, sandwiches, and wraps. The plants can vary greatly in size,shape and leaf type but generally, the leaves of the plant form a dense head or loose rosette. Arugula, Belgian Endive, Butterhead, Dandelion, Frisee, Lamb’s lettuce, Oak Leaf, Purslane, Romaine,Tatsoi, Bok Choi, Rodicchio are just some of the varieties to grow.(oftentimes commercially producedlettuce receives many pesticide and fungicide sprays, but you’ll find that no spraying is required inyour home garden.)
Malabar spinach is a member of the Basellaceae family. This plant isn’t a true spinach, but its foliage does indeed resemble that green leafy vegetable. Also known as Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui, acelga trapadora, bratana, libato, vine spinach, and Malabar nightshade. Basella alba is a green leaf variety while the red leaf variety belongs to the B. rubra species, which has purplish stems. The leaves of Malabar are in dark green and have a shape of the heart. The appearance of the leaves is slightly glossy.
Melons are annuals and belong to the Cucurbitaceae family with different typesvarying in size, shape, color, texture, and sweetness. Melons requiring similar conditions forplanting and growing are watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and muskmelon. (grown insummer for harvest by early autumn).
Plants that lacks chlorophyll and get its nutrients from organic matter like trees, leaves,dead wood, and waste. “They are nature’s decomposers, organisms that recycle all the dead animalsand plants that accumulate during the course of a normal life and death cycle. Without mushrooms,and other fungi, the earth would be awash in plant and animal debris. Our soils would not bereplenished with fresh humus and our forests would be piled high with leaves, branches, and fallenlogs,” from Reishi Mushrooms by Terry Willard. Examples of produce part of stores are Cepe, Chanterelle, Button, Morel, Porcini. Medicinal orientalsare Enoki, Oyster, Reishi, Shiitake,
Perennial rhizome which grows annual stems about one meter tall bearing narrowleaf blades and bear flowers having pale yellow petals with purple edges.
Gourds come in dozens of species, each with its own unique shape, color, and size.Gourds come in three general types: ornamental gourds (cucurbita), utilitarian gourds (lagenaria), andvegetable sponge gourds (luffa). Also consider including a few different kinds of edible gourds. Ornamental gourds are brightly colored and oddly shaped, typically used as decoration.The haveorange and yellow flowers. Utilitarian gourds are green while growing, and then dry a brown shade.These gourds are most often used for tools and utensils because of their tough shell. Vegetablesponge gourds have a shell that can be peeled off, revealing a center that can be used
Pungent root vegetable that is commonly used to impart a zesty, hot flavor to foods.Horseradish is a hardy perennial. 1-2 horseradish plants will probably be enough for most households.A little goes a long way.
Tuber as nutritious food source (plant is a relative to the sunflower).Botanical Name: Helianthus tuberosus
Kale (Brassica Oleracea) is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a group ofvegetables including cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts and is one of the most nutritionallydense foods you’ll find. Kale is often called a “superfood” because it is packed with nutrients such ascalcium, potassium, beta carotene, and other antioxidants. Kale is a hardy biennial (it flowers on thesecond year of growth and completes its life-cycle),but it is usually grown as an annual.Varieties/Description: 1 Brazilian KaleBrazilian Kale is small to medium in size, growing on heads averaging 30-45 centimeters in height,and consists of broad, flat, and
Kohlrabi is a brassica, in the cabbage family. Popular in Germanyand India, the kohlrabi is a crisp andversatile vegetable. This hardy biennial is often grown as an annual. It is easy to grow in mild climates,making it a unique and delicious addition to any garden. Increasingly popular, kohlrabi is also availablein differentvarieties, all easy to grow, with slight variations in look and time tomaturity. The biggestdifference is whether or not you pick a green or purple variety. Varieties:Green kohlrabi varieties include the Korridor and the Winner,which mature quickly, in about 50 days,compared to about 60 for some other varieties.
Annual or biennial from the family Asteraceae and is a self- pollinating plant grown for itsleaves which are used as salad greens, sandwiches, and wraps. The plants can vary greatly in size,shape and leaf type but generally, the leaves of the plant form a dense head or loose rosette. Arugula, Belgian Endive, Butterhead, Dandelion, Frisee, Lamb’s lettuce, Oak Leaf, Purslane, Romaine,Tatsoi, Bok Choi, Rodicchio are just some of the varieties to grow.(oftentimes commercially producedlettuce receives many pesticide and fungicide sprays, but you’ll find that no spraying is required inyour home garden.)
Malabar spinach is a member of the Basellaceae family. This plant isn’t a true spinach, but its foliage does indeed resemble that green leafy vegetable. Also known as Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui, acelga trapadora, bratana, libato, vine spinach, and Malabar nightshade. Basella alba is a green leaf variety while the red leaf variety belongs to the B. rubra species, which has purplish stems. The leaves of Malabar are in dark green and have a shape of the heart. The appearance of the leaves is slightly glossy.
Melons are annuals and belong to the Cucurbitaceae family with different typesvarying in size, shape, color, texture, and sweetness. Melons requiring similar conditions forplanting and growing are watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and muskmelon. (grown insummer for harvest by early autumn).
Plants that lacks chlorophyll and get its nutrients from organic matter like trees, leaves,dead wood, and waste. “They are nature’s decomposers, organisms that recycle all the dead animalsand plants that accumulate during the course of a normal life and death cycle. Without mushrooms,and other fungi, the earth would be awash in plant and animal debris. Our soils would not bereplenished with fresh humus and our forests would be piled high with leaves, branches, and fallenlogs,” from Reishi Mushrooms by Terry Willard. Examples of produce part of stores are Cepe, Chanterelle, Button, Morel, Porcini. Medicinal orientalsare Enoki, Oyster, Reishi, Shiitake,
One of the Vital solutions of Korean Natural Farming is the introduction of Indigenous Micro Organisms (IMO) into the soil to promote health and vitality. […]
The Dedicated garlic Bed, year 2. Elephant Garlic grown from cloves, last year, Produced a single large bulb if garlic, as a Onion. No cloves. […]
This is the first in a series of posts describing our learning process and how the ingredients for Korean Natural Farming Solutions can be made. […]
The US Department of Agriculture created the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to provide a standard definition of climatic conditions relevant to plant growth and survival. It is used by the agriculture industry to define what plants grow best in what areas. By understanding what zone you’re located in, you can find out which plants will grow best in your area and which won’t.
Dirt is not the same as soil. Simply put, dirt is soil without any life. It is sterile. Dirt is ‘dead’. It contains no biology or non in a living state. Dirt is a mixture of minerals, sand, silt and clay. Sand particles are the largest. Silt are smaller yet and clay is even smaller. Sand will allow water to easily pass through it. Silt will allow water to pass through, but slower than sand. Clay, depending on the layering and the quantity, will block water. It is why clay pots are used to store water
The following process is called an instant garden and it was made popular by Bill Mollison, the person who coined the phrase Permaculture. In short, forests have the largest productions of any growing systems in the world. They also have the widest diversity of life, both above and below the surface of the soil.