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Healthy and nutritious vegetables can be easily grown, given the right conditions. Our instructional list of over 50 annual and perennial vegetables has something for everyone in all climate zones.


Cauliflower resembles broccoli, in that it is the immature flower stalk of the plant that is eaten, but it isusually white. There are varieties of cauliflower with colors from purple to pale green and varying flavors. Most cauliflower grows to about 14 inches in height. As a member of the brassica family so it has similar needs to broccoli and cabbage, but it is muchmore temperamental; it is less frost hardy, more likely to bolt and most likely to be attacked by insects.This is why it tends to be expensive in the supermarket. It is more work to grow

Celery, Celeriac

Celery is a Mediterranean plant that grows best in temperate climates with temperatures between 59and 70° Fahrenheit (15-21° Celsius). Because celery is a long-season crop, it can be difficult to grow insome areas and works best when seeds are started indoors. Though a bitstubborn at times, celeryplants will produce crisp, delicious stalks when grown in a temperate climate in moist, nitrogen-rich soil.Choose a type of celery that grows well in your climate zoneand prepare your garden to make sure youhave the best conditions for growing celery.

Colliard Greens

Like kale, collards are non-head forming cabbages. They are quite similar genetically, but breeding and cultivating over the years has produced plants with different textures and flavor. Collards are a biennial vegetable but usually grown as an annual. The leaves are smooth and almost waxy, with pronounced veining and full of nutrituion. They are quite large, with a bright to dark green color, and the stems are fibrous, tough and span 20 to 36 in. tall and 24- to 36-in. wide. True to the Cruciferous family, collard flowers have four yellow petals in the form of a cross. The


Bred into hundreds of varieties by Indigenous peoples of North and South America,corn isan annual member of the grass family. Corn is a warm-season crop, and it does best in temperaturesbetween 60 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (which corresponds with the spring and summergrowing seasons of many parts of North America). It grows 5-8 feet tall. VARIETIES: Silver Queen, Seneca Chief , Utopia, Golden Bantam, Seneca Horizon.


The cucumber is an old world plant that was popular with American settlers. Like squash andpumpkins, cucumber is monoecious, producing separate male and female flowers so it must be pollinated by insects, or by hand. Being tropical plants, cucumbers are exceedingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Cucumbers are high yield plants that are relatively easy to grow in a backyard garden. Bush varieties of this tasty vegetable can even be grown in containers on an apartment porch or balcony. Varieties: Ashley, Burpless, Bush Champion, Dasher, Diva, Early Pride Seed Saving.


A perennial member of the daisy family, dandelions are known for their bright yellowflowers, dark green leaves, and seed-spreading puffballs that children love to blow on. While theyare largely considered to be weeds, they can be harvested and used in many ways with some healthbenefits. Dandelions are edible from root to flower. Dandelions are perennials in most climates.Leave the plant in place if you want to have it come back every year. Young, small dandelion greens, also known as baby dandelion greens, are mild in flavor, so they aregreat in salads and smoothies. However, mature dandelion greens (larger ones)


A member of the nightshade family, eggplant is an annual from South America. It istherefore not cold hardy and takes a long time to reach maturity. Fruits may be elongated or globeshaped and they are usually dark purple. White fruited varieties are available and often promoted as“egg trees”. Varieties: Italian, Graffiti, Sicilian, White.


Endive (Chicory, Belgian Endive) is a plants that have a bitter, buttery taste and are usedin ornamental gardens and as salad greens. The lettuce-like plants produce bright heads that go to seedor bolt easily in hot weather. Endive thrives in cooler temperatures and requires ample moisture to stayhealthy. Varieties: Bossa, Coral, Coronet, D’anjou, Damsel.


All parts of this vegetable are edible with an interesting licorice-like flavor, (member of thecarrot family).


Perennial plant of the amaryllis family grown for its flavorful bulbs. Its close relativesinclude the onion, shallot, leek, chive, Welsh onion and Chinese onion.


Cauliflower resembles broccoli, in that it is the immature flower stalk of the plant that is eaten, but it isusually white. There are varieties of cauliflower with colors from purple to pale green and varying flavors. Most cauliflower grows to about 14 inches in height. As a member of the brassica family so it has similar needs to broccoli and cabbage, but it is muchmore temperamental; it is less frost hardy, more likely to bolt and most likely to be attacked by insects.This is why it tends to be expensive in the supermarket. It is more work to grow

Celery, Celeriac

Celery is a Mediterranean plant that grows best in temperate climates with temperatures between 59and 70° Fahrenheit (15-21° Celsius). Because celery is a long-season crop, it can be difficult to grow insome areas and works best when seeds are started indoors. Though a bitstubborn at times, celeryplants will produce crisp, delicious stalks when grown in a temperate climate in moist, nitrogen-rich soil.Choose a type of celery that grows well in your climate zoneand prepare your garden to make sure youhave the best conditions for growing celery.

Colliard Greens

Like kale, collards are non-head forming cabbages. They are quite similar genetically, but breeding and cultivating over the years has produced plants with different textures and flavor. Collards are a biennial vegetable but usually grown as an annual. The leaves are smooth and almost waxy, with pronounced veining and full of nutrituion. They are quite large, with a bright to dark green color, and the stems are fibrous, tough and span 20 to 36 in. tall and 24- to 36-in. wide. True to the Cruciferous family, collard flowers have four yellow petals in the form of a cross. The


Bred into hundreds of varieties by Indigenous peoples of North and South America,corn isan annual member of the grass family. Corn is a warm-season crop, and it does best in temperaturesbetween 60 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (which corresponds with the spring and summergrowing seasons of many parts of North America). It grows 5-8 feet tall. VARIETIES: Silver Queen, Seneca Chief , Utopia, Golden Bantam, Seneca Horizon.


The cucumber is an old world plant that was popular with American settlers. Like squash andpumpkins, cucumber is monoecious, producing separate male and female flowers so it must be pollinated by insects, or by hand. Being tropical plants, cucumbers are exceedingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Cucumbers are high yield plants that are relatively easy to grow in a backyard garden. Bush varieties of this tasty vegetable can even be grown in containers on an apartment porch or balcony. Varieties: Ashley, Burpless, Bush Champion, Dasher, Diva, Early Pride Seed Saving.


A perennial member of the daisy family, dandelions are known for their bright yellowflowers, dark green leaves, and seed-spreading puffballs that children love to blow on. While theyare largely considered to be weeds, they can be harvested and used in many ways with some healthbenefits. Dandelions are edible from root to flower. Dandelions are perennials in most climates.Leave the plant in place if you want to have it come back every year. Young, small dandelion greens, also known as baby dandelion greens, are mild in flavor, so they aregreat in salads and smoothies. However, mature dandelion greens (larger ones)


A member of the nightshade family, eggplant is an annual from South America. It istherefore not cold hardy and takes a long time to reach maturity. Fruits may be elongated or globeshaped and they are usually dark purple. White fruited varieties are available and often promoted as“egg trees”. Varieties: Italian, Graffiti, Sicilian, White.


Endive (Chicory, Belgian Endive) is a plants that have a bitter, buttery taste and are usedin ornamental gardens and as salad greens. The lettuce-like plants produce bright heads that go to seedor bolt easily in hot weather. Endive thrives in cooler temperatures and requires ample moisture to stayhealthy. Varieties: Bossa, Coral, Coronet, D’anjou, Damsel.


All parts of this vegetable are edible with an interesting licorice-like flavor, (member of thecarrot family).


Perennial plant of the amaryllis family grown for its flavorful bulbs. Its close relativesinclude the onion, shallot, leek, chive, Welsh onion and Chinese onion.

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