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Culinary & Household Herbs

Herbs can spice up recipes and provide essential vitamins, minerals and even medicines. Our guide contains helpful growing instructions for almost 50 varieties that you can grow both outside and indoors.

Lamb’s Ears

Lamb’s ear is an herbaceous perennial ground cover in the Lamiaceae (mint) family.Hailing from the middle east and featuring thick, soft, velvety, silver-gray leaves that form a rapidlyspreading ground cover that also attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. They are evergreenin warmer climates. In summer, tiny, purplish-pink flowers appear that are best removed to enhancethe foliage. As a drought-tolerant perennial, lamb’s ear (also called Wooly Betony) is good for xeriscaping and rock gardens. It’s a fast grower typically planted in the spring. A few new plants or cuttingsstarted early in the spring can fill a large area by fall.

Lamb’s Quarters

Lamb’s quarters is a fast-growing type of herbaceous plant that springs up all over North America, Europe and Central Asia. Though it’s often mistaken for a weed, lamb’s quarters has historically been foraged and cultivated as a source of food. Lamb’s quarters may also be referred to as pigweed, goosefoot and wild spinach in some guidebooks. It’san annual plant as a member of the Amaranthaceae family (in the genus Chenopodium). Lamb’s quarters is identifiable by its bushy leaves and slender, upright seed heads, which make it easy to distinguish from ordinary weeds. These seed heads emerge from the center


Lavender (Lavandula) is a welcome addition to any garden, with its beautiful flowers andwonderful aroma. Lavender is a Mediterranean herb, so it thrives in hot, sunny locations. A perennial,lavender grows from 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 0.9 m) tall.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, is a perennial herb, so it will die down in the winter and regrowfrom the roots in the spring. Don’t worry if your plants die in the cold weather. It’s alsoknown as Melissa, bee balm, common balm, or mint balm and is a popular herb used to promotehealth and well-being. It is a calming herb that belongs to the mint family. Lemon balm haslemon-scented, oval, toothed leaves that are heavily veined or quilted from 2 to 3 incheslong arranged opposite one another on four-sided stems. Leaves are coarsely toothed with abristly surface. As its name implies, it


A rhizome of the Family: Poaceae (Gramineae) (Grass), is a clumping type fountaingrass. It is not a running type grass, so it is non-invasive. The clump can grow 3 to 4 feet across andup to 5 feet tall. Also attractive in containers, it can be grown anywhere as an annual. One caution: theblades are very sharp, as with many grasses… that’s why they call them blades! So, when pruning ortending to your Lemongrass, gloves are useful. Always rub the leaf from the bottom up to prevent being cut by the blade. This great-tasting herb contains a pungent oil, which

Licorice Root

Licorice root refers to the root of the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra, a European perenniallegume that grows about 5 feet tall. A variety native to the U.S is called Glycyrrhiza lepidota, 9less intense in flavor). Glycyrrhiza uralensis is also known as Chinese licorice. It has a lovely aniseed taste and multiple medicinal uses as well. (Some plants have the word “licorice” in the name, but aren’t actually licorice root. For reference, licorice root comes from the Fabaceae family. However, licorice plants come from the Asteraceae family and is a type of foliage.) Be sure to double- check your seed packets


Lovage is an herbaceous perennial that grows 3 to 6 feet tall and with a 32 inch spread. As part of the Apiacaea family, it is closely related to carrot, celery, and parsley. It grows in mounded clumps,stems rise above foliage, topped with sprays of tiny yellow-white flower umbels that bloom mid to late summer. The glossy compound leaves that are divided grow from the thick stalks. It looks like giant celery.


(Or marsh-mallow), aka Althaea officinalis. Marshmallow is a perennial flowering plant that grows in damp areas. It stands 3-4 feet high with a branched stem. The leaves are soft and hairy with three divisions, sort of like a maple leaf. Along the upper stalk, beautiful flowers appear. The flowers have five heart-shaped petals that range in many colors, from white to pink or mauve. These flowers appear in late summer from July to September For centuries, it grew wild in sunny, cool locations, such as along the edges of lakes or marshlands. You can still find it wild or


Aka Mentha spp. Mint species (Mentha spp.) are very hardy perennials that are simple to identify not just because of their fresh and spicy scent but because all members of the mint genus have opposite leaves and square stems. Long stems grow upward, flop over, and roots will form where the stems touch the soil enabling the mint plant to spread quite aggressively. Its small white or purple summer-blooming flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Mint plants grow quickly and should be planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Mint is toxic to animals


Mustard is an annual herb that is native to certain regions in Europe, with roots in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East as well depending on the variety of mustard. It is a cold-hardy annual and prefers cooler temperatures. Mustard has an extensive history, spanning back to the Stone Age and ancient Egyptian civilizations for its culinary and medicinal uses. All parts of the mustard plant are edible, and its seeds are used to create the condiment that we know and love as mustard, too. This condiment is usually made from white and black mustard seeds, as brown

Lamb’s Ears

Lamb’s ear is an herbaceous perennial ground cover in the Lamiaceae (mint) family.Hailing from the middle east and featuring thick, soft, velvety, silver-gray leaves that form a rapidlyspreading ground cover that also attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. They are evergreenin warmer climates. In summer, tiny, purplish-pink flowers appear that are best removed to enhancethe foliage. As a drought-tolerant perennial, lamb’s ear (also called Wooly Betony) is good for xeriscaping and rock gardens. It’s a fast grower typically planted in the spring. A few new plants or cuttingsstarted early in the spring can fill a large area by fall.

Lamb’s Quarters

Lamb’s quarters is a fast-growing type of herbaceous plant that springs up all over North America, Europe and Central Asia. Though it’s often mistaken for a weed, lamb’s quarters has historically been foraged and cultivated as a source of food. Lamb’s quarters may also be referred to as pigweed, goosefoot and wild spinach in some guidebooks. It’san annual plant as a member of the Amaranthaceae family (in the genus Chenopodium). Lamb’s quarters is identifiable by its bushy leaves and slender, upright seed heads, which make it easy to distinguish from ordinary weeds. These seed heads emerge from the center


Lavender (Lavandula) is a welcome addition to any garden, with its beautiful flowers andwonderful aroma. Lavender is a Mediterranean herb, so it thrives in hot, sunny locations. A perennial,lavender grows from 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 0.9 m) tall.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, is a perennial herb, so it will die down in the winter and regrowfrom the roots in the spring. Don’t worry if your plants die in the cold weather. It’s alsoknown as Melissa, bee balm, common balm, or mint balm and is a popular herb used to promotehealth and well-being. It is a calming herb that belongs to the mint family. Lemon balm haslemon-scented, oval, toothed leaves that are heavily veined or quilted from 2 to 3 incheslong arranged opposite one another on four-sided stems. Leaves are coarsely toothed with abristly surface. As its name implies, it


A rhizome of the Family: Poaceae (Gramineae) (Grass), is a clumping type fountaingrass. It is not a running type grass, so it is non-invasive. The clump can grow 3 to 4 feet across andup to 5 feet tall. Also attractive in containers, it can be grown anywhere as an annual. One caution: theblades are very sharp, as with many grasses… that’s why they call them blades! So, when pruning ortending to your Lemongrass, gloves are useful. Always rub the leaf from the bottom up to prevent being cut by the blade. This great-tasting herb contains a pungent oil, which

Licorice Root

Licorice root refers to the root of the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra, a European perenniallegume that grows about 5 feet tall. A variety native to the U.S is called Glycyrrhiza lepidota, 9less intense in flavor). Glycyrrhiza uralensis is also known as Chinese licorice. It has a lovely aniseed taste and multiple medicinal uses as well. (Some plants have the word “licorice” in the name, but aren’t actually licorice root. For reference, licorice root comes from the Fabaceae family. However, licorice plants come from the Asteraceae family and is a type of foliage.) Be sure to double- check your seed packets


Lovage is an herbaceous perennial that grows 3 to 6 feet tall and with a 32 inch spread. As part of the Apiacaea family, it is closely related to carrot, celery, and parsley. It grows in mounded clumps,stems rise above foliage, topped with sprays of tiny yellow-white flower umbels that bloom mid to late summer. The glossy compound leaves that are divided grow from the thick stalks. It looks like giant celery.


(Or marsh-mallow), aka Althaea officinalis. Marshmallow is a perennial flowering plant that grows in damp areas. It stands 3-4 feet high with a branched stem. The leaves are soft and hairy with three divisions, sort of like a maple leaf. Along the upper stalk, beautiful flowers appear. The flowers have five heart-shaped petals that range in many colors, from white to pink or mauve. These flowers appear in late summer from July to September For centuries, it grew wild in sunny, cool locations, such as along the edges of lakes or marshlands. You can still find it wild or


Aka Mentha spp. Mint species (Mentha spp.) are very hardy perennials that are simple to identify not just because of their fresh and spicy scent but because all members of the mint genus have opposite leaves and square stems. Long stems grow upward, flop over, and roots will form where the stems touch the soil enabling the mint plant to spread quite aggressively. Its small white or purple summer-blooming flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Mint plants grow quickly and should be planted in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Mint is toxic to animals


Mustard is an annual herb that is native to certain regions in Europe, with roots in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East as well depending on the variety of mustard. It is a cold-hardy annual and prefers cooler temperatures. Mustard has an extensive history, spanning back to the Stone Age and ancient Egyptian civilizations for its culinary and medicinal uses. All parts of the mustard plant are edible, and its seeds are used to create the condiment that we know and love as mustard, too. This condiment is usually made from white and black mustard seeds, as brown

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