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Plum Tree

Plum Tree

Any of various trees or shrubs in the genus Prunus of the family Rosaceae and their edible fruits. Plums are closely related to peaches and cherries. Plums are drupes, fleshy fruits that encase a single seed within a tough shell. Known for deep purple hues, plums come in a range of colors, including white, yellow, green and red. However, a tree may take 3 to 6 years to produce fruit. Plum trees blossom in late winter or early spring, depending on climate.

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
European plum trees will grow in most climates. Japanese plum trees need warmer climates. American hybrid plums are the hardiest and can survive even in cold, harsh conditions. Hardiness zones are 3 to 8. Pick a European type if you have space for just one tree. Japanese plum trees and American hybrids need to cross-pollinate, which means you’d need a second tree to produce fruit. If you have space for only one tree, go with a European plum tree. It will also grow well in most climates. In general, Japanese plums are sweet and juicy, with red skin. European plums are very sweet and purple. American hybrids vary in appearance and taste, but many are similar to Japanese plums. A grafted plum tree is a young tree that has been attached to a rootstock of a different variety to improve its growth. Grafted plum trees produce delicious fruit. You can grow a plum tree from a seed but the fruit may not taste the same. Dome plum varieties are only ornamental while others with bear fruit. Choose the type of plum tree that fits with the rest of your yard or garden. A local nursery will have plum trees that grow well in your climate.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Plum trees grow best in rich soil that isn’t constantly wet. If the soil retains water, it might cause your tree’s roots to rot. Your plum tree will need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day to grow. Avoid spots where frost might settle and spots that experience high winds. Preferred soil pH is 5.5 to 6.5. If you live in a region with cold winters and hot summers, wait until the spring to plant your plum tree. It will be easiest to dig the hole for your tree, and your young tree’s roots will adapt to the soil well. By planting in the spring you’ll also avoid frost, which can damage your tree.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Give your tree at least 15 feet (4.6 m) of space all around to grow. If you’re planting multiple plum trees, space them at least 18 inches (46 cm) apart. Dig a hole slightly deeper and wider than the tallest, longest roots. Try not to bend the roots so they can spread and grow. Your tree’s roots will grow outward. Make sure its longest roots have room to grow and form a stable base for your tree. If the soil in the hole is too compact, your roots will have trouble breaking through and growing outwards. You can loosen the soil with the tip of your shovel or a handheld tool like a trowel. The graft line is a clear line or “scar” near the base, where the root and tree join. The graft line should remain at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the soil when your tree is in the hole so it can grow properly. If your hole is too deep, fill it little by little with soil you removed until the graft line is at the right position. Refill the hole slowly, making sure to cover each root with soil. Adjust the angle of your tree when needed so that it stays completely upright.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
Foxgloves boost the health of all surrounding plants plum trees included. They also attract bees to the area necessary for pollination. Marigold roots exude a chemical that dispels nematode eel worms and the strong, pungent smell keeps white fly away. Nasturtiums are excellent at keeping aphids away from your plants, grow as many as you can around plum trees to help keep aphid free. Dill attracts many beneficial insects including bees, hoverflies and many more. Comfrey accumulates calcium, phosphorus, and potassium all of which are of great benefit to all plants and trees including plum trees. It is also a great trap plant for slugs and snails good for all gardens. Chives have a strong aroma to keep aphids away from plum trees. The bright blue flowers also attract good pollinators to your orchard or garden. Coriander is a repellent to many bad insects. The flowers are very attractive to bees and hoverflies. Lavender keep moths away from homes. Growing Lavender in close proximity to plum trees may help to keep the plum moth away. Lavender also attracts many beneficial pollinators to your garden.

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Trim the branches above buds with a lopper to encourage growth. Pruning your young tree for the first time in late winter will set its shape and encourage growth the following spring. Cut branches above outward-facing buds so that the branch will grow up and out. Use a pruning tool that will make clean cuts, like a lopper, to discourage pests and disease. Cut any shoots that form on the bottom of the trunk, as they take away energy from the rest of the tree. Keep your tree healthy by clearing damaged or fallen branches. Prune branches that have broken from high winds or storms. Cut these damaged sections where they naturally meet undamaged parts of the branch to avoid leaving stubs. Rake and remove fallen debris in the fall.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Newly planted trees need plenty of water for the first few weeks after planting. Water your tree deeply so the water soaks about 8 inches (20 cm) into your soil. Letting a tree get too dry can affect its growth and production of fruit. On the other hand, overwatering can damage the roots. After your tree has been planted for a year, it doesn’t need as much water. If you live in a dry climate without much rain, soak the soil around the base of your tree with a hose for 15 to 20 minutes. If it rains once every 7 to 10 days, don’t water your tree. Give your tree more water if its leaves are curling up and turning brown. Try watering it every 5 or 6 days at first, or soak it for 25 to 30 minutes when watering it. Give your tree less water if its leaves are turning yellow and falling from the branches. Wait to water it every 10 or 13 days, or soak the soil for 10 minutes instead. If you live in a humid or wet climate, your tree is probably getting plenty of moisture. Let the weather water your tree naturally when it rains.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Cypress mulch can cut down the evaporation of water near the soil’s surface, helping your tree conserve water. Mulch made from cedar will block weeds from sunlight so they don’t grow and affect your plum tree. In spring apply mulch around the base of your tree so that it’s 2 inches (5.1 cm) thick. When organic mulch like cypress and cedar decomposes, it also provides nutrients to your tree so it can be used as an alternative to fertilizer. You can make y our own mulch from tree branches, bark, and leaves.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Fertilizer isn’t needed when you plant a young grafted tree. Fertilizer can damage or kill the tree’s roots. Fruit trees younger than 3 or 4 years old don’t require any unless they are not growing about 10 inches (25 cm) per year. Maybe spread a mild fertilizer about 1 foot (30 cm) away from your tree’s trunk. with equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Brown rot is a common disease that affects plum trees. Withered brown twigs and flowers covered in sticky brown drops are signs of brown rot. Prune and destroy any affected fruits, twigs, leaves, and flowers. Plum tree pests include mites, Japanese beetles, and aphids.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
A tree may take 3 to 6 years to produce fruit. Look for plum trees to bear ripe fruit from May to September.
How to Harvest:
If you pick plums early, put them in a clean paper bag with the top folded over and let them sit at room temperature for a day or two. Your plum is ripe when your fingertip makes a small dent, but doesn’t puncture the skin. European plums can be picked when they’re fully ripened. You can pick Japanese and American Hybrid plums slightly early and ripen them.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Keep unripe plums at room temperature to soften. To extend shelf life, store ripe plums in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Over-soft, almost mushy or cracked plums are past their prime. If you have an abundance of ripe plums, consider removing pits and slicing or chopping, then freeze for up to 12 months. Wash plums before eating to remove the “bloom,” a waxy-white residue on the surface, like that on grapes. This natural coating is safe and a sign of freshness, Use your plums to make dishes like grilled plums or jam. Plum varieties that can be dried without resulting in fermentation are called prunes and are done in dehydrators or in the sun.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
Is as simple as cleaning up the pit, cracking it and popping it into some soil if you live where they grow but as in nature, not every seed is viable or willing to sprout, and plums are no different. Drying pit methods are the same as the slicings of fruit, by sun and air, a lowest oven setting, or a dehydrator. Drying the pits will help you easily break the shell and retrieve the seed inside. Break the shell When the pits are dry enough and you notice a bit of cracking, you can now use a nutcracker to break the shell. Be careful not to press too hard as you may damage the seed inside.

Harvest and Storage


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