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Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry trees are large members of the Moraceae family that range in height from30-50 feet.
While some mulberries come in the form of small bushes, the fruit-bearing types are large trees. They are
known to be hardy, self-pollinating, deciduous trees. The Morus alba (white mulberry) and Morus rubra (red mulberry) hybrids (such as the Downing and Illinois Everbearing) are known for their large, sweet, fruit and hardiness.

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
While there is no particular season that is best for planting, the rule of thumb is that planting is fine when conditions are “favorable”. You should not plant when the ground is frozen, when daytime temperatures are below 32ºF or above 90ºF,or when there’s extreme weather such as blizzards or torrential rain. Hardiness zones 5-9.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Will grow on many types of soil as long as a good drainage system is provided. Ensure they are not in an area where flooding is common as they do not tolerate being engulfed in water. When possible, well-drained, deep soils are preferred. Opt for slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Soils of moderate alkalinity are able to be tolerated. Mulberry trees are able to survive in drought and salty conditions so they are typically good for urban or coastal planting. They thrive in climates that see seasonal temperature changes including sunny summers and frosty winters. The fruit that falls from trees may cause dark stains so avoid planting near walkways or driveways as the branches can be very weak. The tree produces more fruit with more sun. They do best with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Your planting hole should be about 3 times the width of the pot, as deep as the root ball. There should also be 25–30 feet (7.6– 9.1 m) between each tree, though some varieties will be fine with 15 feet (4.6 m). Mix the soil that has been set aside with aged mushroom compost, aged manure, or rotted pine bark (half and half). Remove the plant from the pot, loosen the root, and place it in the hole. Fill the hole with the soil mixture previously set aside, and water it to allow the roots to settle. Avoid burying the root too deeply by making sure the top most roots are positioned at the soil line.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
Marigold, wormwood, nasturtium, calendula, and cosmos can benefit fruit trees (avoidance of potatoes noted to many fruit trees).

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Pruning will help keep your tree tidy and healthy and make for an easier harvest. Removal of dead, diseased or crossed branches should be done in winter when the tree is dormant. Avoid pruning in mid-summer to allow the tree to set for the upcoming year’s fruit buds. Cuts should follow the shape of the tree and should never be more than 2 inches in diameter. You should need no more than 5 cuts to prune a healthy mulberry tree. Cuts over 2 inches in diameter can lead to bleeding, from which your tree is not likely to heal. They also leave your tree vulnerable to certain diseases and fungi.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Water your mulberry tree twice a week if it is surrounded by light soils, and water once a week if planted on clay soil. It should take you 40-50 minutes to ensure that the root system is completely soaked. Each week, your tree should receive at least 1 inch of water, especially during extremely dry periods. Make sure that your mulberry tree has plenty of water during the heat wave. Provide supplemental water with your hose or a sprinkler, and place a shade screen or other shady fixture over your mulberry if it is very young, newly planted, and small enough for a shade. You don’t need to manually water your tree if you receive at least 1 inch of rain in your area. Fruit may fall from the tree prematurely if it doesn’t receive ample water. The best way to avoid dry spells is to let your garden hose slowly trickle to allow the water to penetrate the roots instead of running off.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Organic mulches include wood chips, bark, pine needles, leaves,and compost mixes and will act as a natural weed-barrier but piled up at the base of a tree is detrimental and starves the roots of needed oxygen. Fine textured mulch gets compacted and can starve your tree’s roots of oxygen. Coarse mulch is too porous to maintain adequate water.A medium-textured mulch will hold water and won’t starve the tree’s roots of oxygen. Leave 1-2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) of space between the base of the tree and the mulch can be 2-4 inches deep. Evenly spread 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) by diameter and create a barrier that will prevent the mulch from washing away. (those roll-out weed barriers, landscaping fabric, will starve the tree of oxygen and compact the soil underneath so avoid using them.)
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Avoid adding fertilizer to the planting hole. Fertilization is based on the age of the tree but most mulberry trees thrive with little to no fertilization. Fertilizing once per year should be fine in March but no later than July. Fertilizing after August will result in freeze damage.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Sooty canker is a wilt disease that affects limbs and branches of mulberry trees. Trees that are affected usually wilt in hot seasons, have cankers on limbs that eventually die back, and have brownish cracks that split open to reveal fungi. Keeping the tree fertilized and appropriately watered will help to prevent canker disease. If infection appears to be affecting branches, trim limbs at least 1 foot below the site of infection. There’s no chemical control for sooty canker disease, so always make sure to prune dead branches as soon as you recognize them to avoid spreading the disease. Burn the diseased branches, too. Avoid over-watering and over-fertilizing as this stresses the tree and makes it more susceptible to disease. Always make sure you clean your pruning tools with rubbing alcohol after use. Popcorn disease is caused by fungus and occurs in late spring and early summer. The fruit becomes large and extends more prominently than healthy fruit, until it resembles popcorn. The best prevention method is to pick and discard any fruit that appears to be infected, including any fruit that has fallen. The disease isn’t harmful to the tree itself so if you aren’t interested in the fruit, you don’t have to worry about preventing the infection. You can also try spraying the tree with a Bordeaux mixture to treat the disease. Powdery mildew is caused by fungi and is evident when the leaf’s surface appears to be covered by a white, powdery substance.You can control the mildew by spraying your tree with an approved fungicide such as Serenade Garden.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
The fruit from mulberry trees ripen in midsummer. Do not harvest before May or your fruit may not be fully ripened. Your berries are ripe when they are large, sweet and black. It’s fruit produces once a year. As the mulberry tree gets older, it will get taller and produce more berries. It can take a mulberry tree 10 years to reach maturity. When grown from seed, they likely won’t bear fruit for at least 8-10 years. (take note that a wind blown seed landed in my backyard and had rapid growth that produced berries beginning it’s third year.)
How to Harvest:
You can harvest the fruit by handpicking them, or laying a sheet or tarp under the tree and gently shaking the branches. When placing your fruit in a container, avoid layering too many or the berries at the bottom of the container will be crushed.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Your unwashed harvest can be stored for several days in a covered container in the refrigerator. Your harvest can also be kept for several month by washing the berries, patting them dry, and placing them in freezer bags.Don’t wash the berries until you are about to use them.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
You might be able to find seeds online. If not, you can go to a local nursery and see if they have a young plant. You can also grow new plants from cuttings. Mulberry trees have a very high propagation rate. Cut off a small branch where it is mostly woody and established, then just plant and water. If there are already buds on the stems around late summer into early winter, you will see foliage growth in a months time.

Harvest and Storage


There are also fruitless and weeping cultivars available for purchase if you are not interested in a fruit bearing tree. Chickens, turkeys and pigs enjoy mulberries so you can always choose to plant a mulberry tree where it will overhang and offer your animals a treat.

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