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Magnolia Berry Vine

Magnolia Berry Vine

This beautiful deciduous, perennial, climbing, woody vine belongs to the Schisandraceae
family. that grows about 9 m (29ft 6in) tall. The plant is found growing in mixed forests, especially on
the periphery, also by streams and brooks, and usually on sandy soils. It can grow around 30 ft. long
(9m). Common names are Chinese magnolia vine, Five-flavor-fruit, Schisandra, Schizandra,
Schizandra berry and lemon wood.

Bearing small lightly fragrant magnolia-like flowers, it will produce striking crimson berries with brown
stems (1 m of new growth a year) and can either twine round the support or spread along the ground.
Leaves are alternately arranged, tough, glossy, dark green leaves, 7 to 8 cm long and elliptically
shaped. In autumn the leaves change color to yellow. Flowers are white or pale rose to bright pink, 1.2
cm across, and bloom in springtime. The berries are borne in dense hanging clusters around 10 cm
long. Fruits are 6 mm long, ovoid berries ripening in autumn. Each berry usually contains 1–2 brownish
yellow kidney-shaped seeds that have the capacity to stay dormant and to form seed banks.
Distribution of seeds mainly occurs through birds. All these parts are fragrant and the dried wood
especially so.

Usually referred to as dioecious (male and female flowers borne on separate plants) though some
selections are monoecious (male and female flowers borne on a single plant). Female plant will only
produce fruit when fertilized with pollen from a male plant. The blossoms on the female plants are
followed by brownish red berries. They are initially green turning to scarlet red as they mature.
Magnolia berries are said to possess all five basic flavors: salty, sweet, spicy, sour, and bitter (hence
the name five-flavor-berry). They also have traditional medicine benefits (research precautions as

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
The vine is hardy to -35 degrees F, hardiness zone 3 and goes up to zone 7 (should be caution for sun scalding). As long as they go dormant in the fall, they can tolerate very low temperatures and actually need the cold in order to set fruit. As the flowers are prone to frost damage, they are best grown in areas where the chances for frost in May and June are low. Cultivation requirements are thought to be similar to those of grapes
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Magnolia vine grows well in both sun and shade (although in hotter climates, some shade is recommended). It prefers moist, acidic, sandy to clay, loam soil with with a pH range between 5.5 and 6.5. With this preference, it’s a good idea to mulch with pine needles and oak leaves (very acidic and will lower the pH of the soil as they break down). Plants require moderate humidity and are not very drought-tolerant and need plenty of water in well-draining soil. (not to be submerged).
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Schisandra seeds are planted in early May, sprout after 15–20 days and the plants grow until late September. The seeds are sown ¼-inch deep directly into prepared seedbeds beneath a wall, fence, arbor, or trellis in the fall. Cover with fine soil and straw, pine needles or a grass mat. Alternatively, the seeds can be cultivated in pots and then transplanted to the field. If you’re starting a Schizandra from seed indoors, soak the stored seeds in warm water for 12 hours. Sow the seeds in potting soil and keep them indoors or in a greenhouse in the spring. Separate and grow the seedlings in their own pots for the first two years before planting them outdoors in early summer.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
: Low blueberry bushes around trees, strawberries as a ground cover, and gooseberries as a pollinator are examples of companion planting. (Raspberries should be planted with caution, many plants won’t like having them around due to their spreading nature.) Companion Planting is an integral part of permaculture and a holistic approach to gardening where you plant different crops in proximity for maximising the use of space, providing nutrients, shade or support, increasing crop productivity, attracting beneficial insects, pest control / repelling pests, pollination or providing a space for beneficial creatures. The concept is an ongoing process of living and learning with nature and increasing biodiversity to support a sustainable Eco system. Since these berries are similar to currants – marigold, yarrow, nasturtiums, chamomile should be helpful. The ‘nots’ might more so be- peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and beets.

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Magnolia vine needs support to grow well. A fence, arbor or trellis will provide good support and room to train the vine. Once form is established, pruning is only necessary to remove dead or broken branches or to thin out excessively dense areas. Prune in spring, after the vine is finished blooming. For the female, wait until the last of the fruit is finished growing. Using sharp pruning shears and cut back to within three or four buds of the vine.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
It’s a good idea to put down a layer of mulch to encourage water retention. A little water is really all it takes to keep this plant thriving for decades. Note-very sensitive to salts in irrigation water.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Beside keeping weeds hand pulled from the young plants, you can weed control with mulch, vinegar spray, cardboard, or newspaper.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Amend your soil with plenty of organic fertilizer, such as manure or compost, if your soil is more alkaline than acidic. Fertilize the Schizandra vine at least once each year in the early spring before it readies itself to bloom. E.B. Stone and Dr. Earth are examples of natural fertilizers.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Problems could be Powdery mildew, Downy mildew, leaf blotch, leaf spot disease, leaf blight and fruit rot, root and stem rot. For Magnolia berry vine (Schisandra chinensis) prior to having to resort to a natural fungicidal application, prevention measures should be applied: no transplantation of infected seedlings / use of fresh soil / appropriate increase of P and K fertilizers (increased plant resistance to disease) / avoid complete coverage of frame areas and a too high plant density / maintain a sufficient ventilation and light transmittance / remove dead leaves from the ground in the fall and / avoid excessive watering. Prevention measures to control insects in Schisandra cultures could be: remove the insects by hand if they appear in small numbers / remove dead leaves and injured branches (sources of insects) / use insect traps / biological control agents (such as parasitic wasps).
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
The first fruit harvest usually takes place 4 to 5 years after planting. Starting from June to July the fruits develop and ripen from August to September.
How to Harvest:
Wild collectors responsibly harvest just the ripe berries from the lower two-thirds of the vine, leaving the rest to share with the forest and fauna so that is some food for thought.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
The fruit can be consumed raw or as cooked soups, made into jam or juice. Young leaves can be cooked and used as a vegetable. In Russia, paste made from the fruit is mixed with Actinidia arguta (a hardy kiwi vine) in order to counteract the insufficient acidity of that species. A cordial drink made from the berries in Korea is called ‘omija tea.’ Magnolia berry is very sustaining as dried fruit and used on journeys The dried leaves, shoots and roots are used to make a refreshing tea.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
Plants can be propagated by seed or by layering in spring or autumn, or in the summer time by using semi-ripe cuttings. If the Magnolia vine is very happy, it will send up suckers from the root ball and you can propagate new vines from them. When harvesting the magnolia berry seed pods for the collection of its seeds, you must pick the berries from the pod when they are bright red and fully ripe. Remove the fleshy berry from the seeds and soak the seeds in lukewarm water overnight. The next day, remove the outer coating from the seed by rubbing it against a hardware cloth or a wire screen. These seeds must go through a process called stratification before germinating. Place the seeds in a container of moist sand and mix well. The sand should not be so wet that water drips from your hand when you squeeze it. Place the container in the refrigerator and leave it undisturbed for at least three months or until you are ready to plant the seeds. When you bring the seeds out of the refrigerator, it triggers a signal that tells the seed that winter has passed and it’s time to grow a magnolia berry vine.

Harvest and Storage


A hybrid selection, ‘Eastern Prince’, has perfect flowers and is self-fertile. Seedlings of ‘Eastern Prince’ are sometimes sold under the same name, but are typically single-sex plants. Schisandra coccinea is one rare species found growing in southern Appalachian streambeds in America.

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