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Hickory Tree

Hickory Tree

Roughly one dozen species belong to the deciduous hickory (genus Carya -family
Juglandaceae. The hickory tree produces a dense, strong, and shock-resistant wood that is commonly
used to make tool handles, furniture, and decorative architectural elements. In addition, many types of
hickory are sought for use in the content and preparation of food, and can be useful in survival
situations. Hickory trees have bark that forms ridges in a vertical pattern. These ridges may be shallow
or deep, far apart or close together, but always vertical. Additionally, some hickory bark becomes
raised at the plate edges as the tree matures, and eventually flakes off, from top to bottom. A hickory
tree’s leaves are always directly opposite one another and with one on the end making groups of odd
numbers with the largest of the leaves at the very tip of the branch.

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
Roughly one dozen species belong to the hickory(Carya spp.) family of trees, though only a handful of species are grown in landscaping for their showy autumn foliage and attractive shape. The shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), shellbark hickory (Carya laciniosa) and pignut hickory (Carya glabra) are all grown as ornamental trees. All three are cold-hardy to USDA hardiness zone 5; the pignut will grow up to zone 9 while the other two are only heat-tolerant to zone 8. Hickory nuts provide a simple and inexpensive means of growing new trees, although the nuts require pre treatment to help break their dormancy. The process is straightforward, but transplanting the seedlings may prove challenging due to their fast-growing, well-developed root system. Hardiness zone 4 – 8. Hickory nuts put down roots very quickly after germination, so they must be started in deep pots with plenty of room for the roots to grow. Use a 2-gallon nursery pot with several drainage holes at the base and sterile potting soil. Sow one or two seeds per pot at a depth of 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches, or at a depth equal to the length of the seed. Hickory seeds need temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit to germinate, so set them in a warm location in bright, indirect sunlight or indoors on a propagation heating mat. Keep the soil moist but not sopping wet and watch for seedlings in six to eight weeks. Remove the weaker of the two seedlings, if both seeds germinate.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Hickory seedlings need relatively little care as they develop, except for bright light and regular watering. Although they appear to grow slowly, hickory seedlings actually grow quickly beneath the soil surface, and they must be transplanted by the end of their first growing season to avoid damaging their extensive root system. Before transplanting,acclimate the seedlings to their transplant site for a week or two. Hickory trees can exceed 100 feet in height with a 30- to 40-foot spread, so choose a growing location with enough room to accommodate their mature size. Also, choose a spot away from walkways and other frequently trafficked areas so passersby aren’t hit by falling nuts come autumn. Hickories will tolerate full sun to partial shade, and they aren’t fussy about soil type, but does need to drain well. Acid pH needed.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Autumn is the best time for transplanting hickory seedlings since the weather is cooler than the summer months. Dig a planting hole that is the same depth as the nursery pot and three times as wide to encourage lateral root growth. Settle the hickory seedling in the hole and have a helper hold it upright while you back-fill the hole around it. Water the seedlings and spread a 4-inchlayer of mulch in a 4- to 6-foot perimeter around the base of the tree, taking care to leave a space between the mulch layer and the trunk. Squirrels, chipmunks and other creatures all eat hickory nuts, so germinating them outdoors can prove challenging. Sow three seeds in a triangular pattern at a depth of 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches. They need protection from foraging rodents, so cover the planting site with wire mesh and mulch during the winter months, and then remove it in spring. Provide water if no rain falls for longer than a week, and look for hickory seedlings in late spring. Another method of protecting hickory nuts is to take an aluminum coffee can and cut an X into the solid base. Push the can into the soil over the seed and pry open the perforated base as the seedlings emerge.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
Can try Chervil, Mint, Lemon balm, Dill, Tarragon, Arugula, Endive, Peas, or Spinach under the tree. (potatoes and corn most likely fail to grow.)

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Hickories are relatively hassle-free trees. They need nothing more than weekly watering during their first summer in the ground and weeding around the base to allow for normal root development.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Some type of organic mulch is good for keeping weeds under control. We typically use hardwood bark, or even leaf compost. The nice thing about an organic mulch is that it breaks down and enriches the soil – As organic matter breaks down, it helps the mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria in the soil to flourish – It also releases nutrients for the seedling to utilize.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Fertilizer isn’t strictly necessary unless you’re hoping to boost nut production. You can spread it under the tree’s canopy in late spring, taking care not to get any on the trunk. It’s a good idea to fertilize until it starts bearing nuts.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Hickory trees are extremely tough and resilient when they are healthy. Anthracnose Leaf Spot may occur. Use fungicides to prevent the spread of anthracnose to other healthy trees and shrubs on your landscape and surrounding areas. Hickory horned devils are impressive pea green to blue green caterpillars that are 4 to 5 inches long when full grown. They have two pairs of yellow to orange curved horns just behind the head and paired rows of spines down the back. These caterpillars will lash around when disturbed but are not dangerous. HHD are present from July to September.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
Hickory nuts ripen in late summer and early autumn. Once the husks darken in color and begin to split at the base, the seeds inside are mature and ready to germinate. Gather more hickory nuts than you think you’ll need because some might not germinate. Avoid deep cracks, mildew, chew marks or other signs of damage or deterioration. Hickory trees, like a lot of trees, do not reliably produce abundant crops of seeds every year. This is most likely a result of environmental factors like late frosts. Hickory trees will only produce nuts after 20 years of growth with optimum nut production occurring between 60 and 200 years.
How to Harvest:
Hickory nuts germinate most reliably when removed from their dense, thick husks. Ripe hickory nuts shed their husks easily, so no tools are needed, although a pair of pliers might help for stubborn segments. Peel back the segments to reveal the hard nut casing inside. Once the nuts are removed from their husks, soak them in room-temperature water fortwo to four days. Change the water every day to limit bacterial growth. Any nuts that float are probably rotten or otherwise unusable for propagation, so throw them away
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Stratification mimics the natural winter chill hickory seeds would experience in nature. The temperature and duration of the stratification period varies between hickory species, but most need roughly four to five months in the refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the hickory nuts in a moistened mixture of half sand and half peat moss inside a plastic storage container with several holes punched in the top, and then put the it in the refrigerator. Remoisten the sand mixture as needed to keep it lightly moist but not dripping wet. Some of the hickory nuts may sprout during the chilling process, and that’s okay; just be careful not to break the root-sprout when transplanting them. You can eat the nuts raw, make a porridge, refrigerate and freeze them and use them in sweet treats and savory dishes. Whole hickory nuts will last you several years if they are stored in a cool, dry place. They will last you even more years if you stick them in the freezer. Even better yet, store them in a vacuum seal in the freezer. I store my inventory in five gallon buckets in my basement with screw on lids and they last many years.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
Hickory nuts don’t need stratification if you plan on germinating them directly in the ground outdoors.

Harvest and Storage


A hickory tree should never be topped. Doing so will ruin its form. Hickories should only grow where a big tree is desired. Don’t try to crack the nut open with your teeth. Use a small rock or a vise instead. A fun fact about shagbark and shellbark hickory nuts is that they can be used in any recipe calling for pecans. Hickory and pecan nuts are regarded by many as the finest, most flavorful of tree nuts. Use the wood to smoke meats and cheeses, and to flavor your barbecue.

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