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Cherry Tree

Cherry Tree

Any of numerous trees and shrubs of the subqenus Prunus subg. Cerasus
producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone. Also valuable for its hardwood.
Cherry trees are very sensitive fruit-bearing trees.

Standard-sized trees tend to be more resilient and yield more cherries. They are larger in size and
have a longer lifespan than dwarf trees. Dwarf trees are smaller and take up less space. They also
yield fruit at a younger age, about 2 – 3 years old.

Both sizes are popular for growing cherries, and you should select the best size to suit your climate
zone and growing preferences. Dwarf trees are more sensitive because they have a less vigorous
root system. For sweet cherries, standard sized trees grow to about 20–40 feet (6.1–12.2 m) tall,
and dwarf trees grow to 8–15 feet (2.4–4.6 m). For tart cherries, standard adult trees grow about 20
feet (6.1 m) tall, and dwarf trees reach around 8–12 feet (2.4–3.7 m).

Cherries don’t grow very big until roughly 15 years of growing.

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Cherry trees are sensitive fruit-bearing trees that take some patience and skill to grow. Growing cherries can be slightly challenging but immensely satisfying. Choose between either sweet or tart cherries, and pick between standard or dwarf-sized trees. You can typically purchase cherry trees by the size of their branches, from 2 inches (5.1 cm) to 8 inches (20 cm). If a particular nursery doesn’t have the cherry tree you are looking for, ask them if they can place a special order or if they know of any other locations that may have your type of tree in stock.
Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
Most cherries grow in climate zones 4-8. Sweet cherries are harder to grow because they require a dry climate that isn’t too hot and particularly well-drained soil. In the United States, cherries grow well west of the Rocky Mountains in low-humidity zones. Sweet cherries vary in type, including Bing, Black Tartarian, Emperor Francis, Kristin, and Stella. Tart cherries also prefer well-drained soil, though they can withstand climates with more rain and greater humidity. Tart cherries tend to produce smaller trees than sweet cherries, which makes them easier to maintain. Tart cherries are great to cook with, and their tartness can be rather mild. Some of the famous Tart Cherry varieties are Meteor, Montmorency, and North Star.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Remove weeds and mix in well-rotted compost material to fertilize your soil. Leaves and tree trimmings work well as raw composting materials. Always use well drained soil to avoid waterlogging your tree. You can improve your soil’s drainage by building raised beds or adding more rotting organic matter to existing soil. Always make sure your trees have enough sunlight and well-drained soil. With the right growing conditions, planting preparations, and regular maintenance, you can grow juicy, tasty cherries. High temperatures and direct sunlight can harm your trees and make it hard to root into the soil. Maintain soil pH around 6.5 (slightly acidic). You can add sulfur to increase acidity or add lime to reduce acidity.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
If you plant in the fall, your trees will have adequate time to develop their root system and get stronger over the colder months. Both sweet and tart cherries need ample sunlight in order to grow to full size. Sweet cherries in particular need as much sunlight as possible, while tart cherries can grow without quite as much sun. Full sun exposure will also help prevent pests and diseases. For example, plant your trees on top of hills that face the morning sun. Avoid placing your cherries near other trees or buildings that cast shade. For sweet cherries, space dwarf trees 5–10 feet (1.5–3.0 m) apart and adult trees 35–40 feet (11–12 m) For tart cherries, space dwarf trees 8–10 feet (2.4–3.0 m) and adults 20–25feet (6.1–7.6 m). Remove any string, burlap, or plastic tied around the roots before placing the tree in the hole. Make sure your tree’s roots are spread out and have room to take root. Using your soil mix, fill in the rest of the hole until it is full. As you fill, remove any air pockets in the soil by pressing down firmly. You can stop filling the hole when the soil reaches the mark on the tree’s stem marking where the old soil reached. Position your stake about ⅓ of the height of your tree, and insert it into the soil at least 2 feet (0.61 m) deep. Tie your tree stake from the tree’s trunk to a post where the tree trunk can have some movement.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
To support include marigolds, dandelions, lavender, and rosemary. Ideally they attract pollinators, build healthy soil, repel pests, and are visually appealing. Depending on their shade tolerance, some plants can be planted under the tree itself. Potatoes as neighbors need to be avoided.

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Pruning will help your trees grow new fruiting wood. Prune the tree when it is dormant so you don’t damage the fruit-bearing branches. You can use hand pruners or scissors to cut away dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Always use sharp, clean gardening tools to prevent diseases and pests. In order to prevent winter sunscald, you should wrap the trunk with tree wrap every winter (located at garden or home improvement stores). Start at the bottom of the trunk and work your way toward the top of the trunk overlapping the layers.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Both sweet and tart cherries grow the strongest if they are planted in the fall. If you decide to plant your cherry tree in the spring, be sure to water it well throughout the spring, summer, and fall. When your trees will be exposed to much sunlight, it is important to keep your trees hydrated and healthy, especially for freshly planted trees. Water your trees when the top layers of soil seem dry. To check the moisture, stick your finger about 3 inches (7.6 cm) into the soil. If the soil is not moist, then water it thoroughly from the base of the tree. If the soil is still wet, you can wait another day before checking the moisture level again. Add water to your soil immediately after you plant your tree so your tree’s roots can start to take. For best results, let your water slowly trickle over the base of your tree rather than the roots soaking up the water quickly. Water your trees with a slow trickle by turning on your hose on partial power and dropping it at the base of your tree. Leave your hose there for 1-2 hours, then turn off the water.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
When growing cherries, it is very important to maintain adequate moisture levels. Mulch can help drain away excess moisture. You should add a fresh layer of mulch in the late winter for regular cherry tree maintenance.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Can use an all-purpose fertilizer or a fruit tree fertilizer (follow instructions on the package to determine the recommended amount to use). After April, only fertilize your trees after you harvest the fruit each season. Fertilizing right before your trees bloom helps replenish nutrients and help the tree produce more fruit.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Birds will try to come and eat your cherries, and you can block them out with netting. Purchase netting from most home supply stores. Secure your netting at the bottom so birds can’t get them at ground level. Look for heavy-duty, knitted netting with an aperture no bigger than 5 by 5 mm (0.20 in × 0.20 in) and woven nolarger than 500 microns thick. Check your netting in the spring and winter. Bird sometimespeck at growing cherry buds in the late winter. Replace your netting as needed. Pruning dead or dying branches will prevent infection or disease from spreading to other healthy part of the tree. Common cherry tree pests include aphids, Japanese beetles, and caterpillars. If youhave issues with pests, you can treat your trees with natural pesticides so you don’t damage your trees or cherries with harsh chemicals. Try mixing different household vegetables, oils, or soaps with water.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
Cherries take time to mature and develop. After about 4 years, your trees should yield about 30-50 quarts of cherries. Until then, water, prune, and fertilize your tree regularly so it grows healthy and strong. It may take some trees up to 10 years to start producing fruit. Each tree is different.
How to Harvest:
The warmth of the sun will develop the flavor of your cherries, and they will fall off the tree when ready to harvest. Pick your cherries with the stalks still attached using scissors or hand pruners. Hand picking can injure your tree and cause infection. Can also put a sheet underneath your tree to collect the falling fruit. Cherries will appear dark red, black, or yellow when fully ripened. They will be the most sweet and delicious at this point, because the sugar content will rise a few days before they are fully ripened. Pick your cherries when they are still firm if you want to freeze them.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Sweet cherries should be stored at 30 to 31 F. (approximately -1 C.). Storage for sour cherries should be slightly warmer, about 32 F. (0 C). Relative humidity for both types of cherries should be between 90and 95 percent; otherwise, the cherries are likely to dry out. Typical cherry harvests only last 1 week, so be ready to pick. Fresh cherries must be cooled as soon as possible to slow down the ripening process, as the quality will deteriorate quickly. Keep cherries in a shady spot until you can get them into the refrigerator or another cold storage. Place the cherries in a sturdy plastic bag or container, but don’t wash them yet because the moisture will speed the decaying process. Wait and rinse the cherries with cold water when you’re ready to eat them.You can also freeze cherries, and they’ll last six to eight months. Pit the cherries or leave them whole, then spread them on a cookie sheet, in a single layer. Once the cherries are frozen, place them in a bag or container.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
While it is possible to grow cherries from pits, it is extremely difficult and requires a lot of patience. You likely will not get delicious cherries from pits your first few tries. Many pits are actually sterile. If you are up for a challenge, germinate your cherry pits by leaving them in the refrigerator for about 150 days, and then plant them in nutrient-rich soil.

Harvest and Storage


Sweet cherries are more likely to get a fungal or bacterial disease, so prune them again in the late summer to prevent diseases from spreading. Research self-pollinating trees or a nursery/tree catalog can mention if they require another tree to pollinate, and if so, what breed the second tree would have to be.

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