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A familiar, often bright orange root vegetable, popular cooked and raw. There are a wide variety of
carrots of different shape and colour. Refined from a wild plant originating in the Middle East, most
carrots will easily return to their original wild state if left to naturalize.

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
Seeds can be direct sown outdoors after the last frost date. Carrot is a cool season vegetable that develops best in soil temperatures of 60-70 degrees F (15-20 degrees C) Maturation varies depending on type of carrot, ranging from 55 to 100 days.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Loose, well drained soil without stones. Carrots will become deformed if they have to grow around stones or through hard soil.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Carrot seeds are very small so they are nearly impossible to space evenly. Make a furrow about 1.2 inch deep. Sprinkle seeds, trying to space about 1/4 inch apart, bearing in mind that the little sprouts can be thinned later if they’re too close together. Cover lightly with finely textured soil, pat firmly and if dry, water with a gentle spray. If you water too harshly the seeds will get moved around by the water. Seeds germinate in 6 to 21 days, depending on the variety of carrot. If you live in the north, look for carrot seeds labelled “ Short Season Variety” Germination can occur in fairly cool temperatures ranging from 45 to 86 degrees F (7-30 degrees C).
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
Companion Plants: Peas, lettuce, chives, rosemary, sage Hindered by: Dill and other plants in the same family.

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
While seeds are germinating and until the roots start to swell, the soils should be kept moist down to 1/2 inch depth. They will need periodic watering when the weather is dry. As the carrots grow, thin them regularly (pulling out seedlings) so that the roots are always about 1 inch apart. As the carrots get larger this will provide delicious baby carrots for your dinner table. Although they are not commonly considered a cooking herb, Carrot tops are edible and are enjoyed by livestock. ( feed them to rabbits, chickens, goats). Keep pushing soil up over the crowns (top of the carrot root) to make sure the roots don’t turn green which causes them to taste bitter.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Carrots do not like competition from weeds. Especially when the plants are small it is important to keep weeding. Mulching is recommended once the plants get big.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Need Lime, Hummus and Potash. Don’t over fertilize with too much nitrogen or manure.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
If you have rabbits in your area, you may have them visiting and eating off the tops of your carrots. A dog in the yard will keep them away, even if you have the growing area fenced in to keep the dog from digging. Onions, leeks and herbs such as rosemary and sage act as repellents to the carrot fly whose larva attacks the root.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
Carrots store best when they are large and fully mature. Usually within two to three months the carrot roots will be around 2 inches across at the top. Pull them on a dry day, brush off the soil – do not wash. Cut tops to within 1/2 inch of the root. Leave them outdoors on newspaper or cardboard for one sunny day to cure, turning them occasionally and rubbing off loose soil.
How to Harvest:
Store cured carrots in moist sand, peat or perforated plastic bags at 32 to 40 degrees F (0-4 degrees C) and 95 percent relative humidity. In areas with milder winters, roots may keep in the garden if heavily mulched (a thick layer of straw on top) before the soil freezes. Harvest before plants go to seed in the spring. Do not store carrots close to apples or the carrots will take on a bitter flavour. Apples, pears, peaches,plums,apricots, muskmelons and tomatoes produce ethylene gas, which speeds up the aging process of vegetables.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
In addition to root cellar storage, Carrots can be canned or blanched and frozen.
Seed Saving:
If carrots are left to overwinter, they will bloom the next summer and produce lots of seeds. Unfortunately most carrot varieties will go back to their wild state. The seeds from most carrots will produce small white carrots. If you find a variety of carrots that produce “true seeds”, you have found a treasure so be sure to save some seeds.

Harvest and Storage


There is a wide range of carrot varieties available in all sorts of colours ranging from yellow to orange to purple. Refer to the seed catalog and/or the seed packet to find how many days to maturity and consider the length of your growing season when purchasing. Smaller or shorter carrots can be useful if you have shallow soil and a short growing season. Fatter carrots such as Chantenay and Oxheart are best for heavy soil and for storage. The long thin types need looser soil and steady water. If your soil tends to be heavy or compact, consider growing carrots in raised beds.

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