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Beans, Tepary

Beans, Tepary

Tepary beans are cultivated for their high protein and soluble fiber which are advertised as aiding in
the control of cholesterol and diabetes. They are highly draught tolerant and very resilient making them
useful in dessert environments. Plants that are cultivated today are either bush types or semi-vining.
Plants have trifoliate leaves and short pods around 3 inches (8 cm) in length, green and lightly haired.
Ripening to a light straw color, the pods hold 5-6 beans each.

Blue Tepary
Brown Tepary (taste a bit earthier, used as a drybean)
Light Brown Tepary Light Green Tepary Papago White Tepary
Ivory Coast White Tepary (slightly sweet tasting,used as a dry bean)

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
In the southwest dessert plant in midsummer monsoon season (mid June t0 mid July). Tepary beans can be planted earlier if supplemental irrigation is available. They need that initial burst of water to germinate, but after germination do not tolerate wet conditions.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Most any type of soil “except” clay. Soil should be weeded and amended as needed for your soil with organic materials. Soil test prior to planting to determine if nutrients or amendments are needed. Do not over-apply nitrogen, as this may inhibit root nodulation and nitrogen fixation.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
For small areas, plant beans 4 inches apart in rows that are 12 to 16 inches apart. Plant at a depth of 1-1.5 inches. Water plants in, should be kept moist until plants germinate and get first true leaves.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
A traditional method of the Tohono O’odham Nation people was growing them along with corn, sorghum, and pinto beans. They can be grown on large mounds with corn planted in the middle, tepary beans and squash surrounding. The corn planted first and when tall enough to provide support the tepary beans, which are planted around it, then squash around them. the corn supports, the squash shades the ground limiting weeds, Tepary plants provide nitrogen fixation which feeds them. Corn, Squash and Beans are known as the three sisters.

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Tepary bean can be grown under irrigation. However, excessive irrigation or rainfall will lead to poor stand establishment and may later cause the plants to produce vegetative growth at the expense of seed yield.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Newly planted seeds need initial watering in to germinate. After plants are up they will not tolerate wet conditions. Only water sporadically if plants begin to show water stress (wilting). Tepary Beans actually produce better when under a bit of water stress.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Planting with squash which grows out over the ground will limit weeds. Planting beds should be weed free before planting.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Avoid heavy fertilizers.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Tepary bean seeds and plants can harbor common bean diseases, such as bean common mosaic virus.
Beans are dried and shelled and stored in container as any other dried bean or legume.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
Plants should be ready for harvest in 60-120 days.
How to Harvest:
Traditionally when ready to harvest, plants were pulled, allowed to dry, and were beaten or stomped on to release beans over a drop cloth. Then separating the beans from the chaff.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Cool dry cupboard or cabinet. Tepary beans can be used in place of any standard dried bean. Soak the dried beans before cooking.
Seed Saving:
Tepary beans will cross pollinate, if saving seed grow only one variety at a time to avoid crossing.

Harvest and Storage


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