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Other Names — Anis de Chine, Anís Estrellado, Anis Étoilé, Anis Étoilé Chinois, Aniseed Stars, Anisi
Stellati Fructus, Ba Jiao Hui, Badiana, Badiane, Badiane de Chine, Bajiao, Chinese Anise, Chinese
Star Anise, Eight-Horned Anise, Eight Horns, and Illicium verum.

USDA Zones- 8–11; If the temperature falls below 15F, your plant will die. Therefore, If you live in the
north, you should avoid growing this tree.

Growing star anise is easy in subtropical climates. It is adorned with beautiful flowers and fruits that
are star-shaped. It is a tropical evergreen tree, tall between 5-10 m. Star anise has large glossy green
foliage, its white flowers are beautiful and of great decorative value. Star anise fruit has eight carpels
that together form the star-shaped fruit (hence called “Star anise”).

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Star anise is propagated by seeds or cuttings. Star anise requires dappled shade, partial sun but if you’re growing star anise in a much cooler climate, plant it in a warm and sunny location. Choose a position in a way that it is not exposed to cold and dry winds. Choose a position in a way that it is not exposed to cold and dry winds.
Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
Seeds are propagated best when temperature range from 65-70 F (18-20 C). You can sow seeds in pots or directly outside. Water the seeds frequently to keep the soil moist and make sure the pot has drainage holes in the bottom to drain excess water. Can best be grown from cuttings. You will need at least a four inch tall section. Cut it using a sharp knife. The cutting requires a sterile soil to grow. A mixture of sand or peat and perlite is perfect for growing your cutting. Cutting is recommended because it allows the roots to grow faster.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Provide soil that is humus and compost rich. Soil texture should be loamy and well drained. Slightly acidic to the neutral soil is optimal. Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure: If you are growing Star anise from seeds, you should test the seeds first. Put the seeds in a container filled with water. The seeds that sink to the bottom are valid seeds and you can plant them. However, the seeds that float to the surface are not valid and you should throw them. Once you have the valid seeds, sow them 1/2 inch deep in the soil. Cover them with a potting mix if available.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
For growing star anise, do regular watering and keep the soil slightly moist but reduce the watering in winter. However, you should water it carefully as over watering will cause root rot.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Star Anise is not a heavy feeder, in fact, it is enough to fertilize only once. Fertilizing this tree should be done in spring using a compost or an aged manure. Spray the fertilizer on the ground surrounding the tree and you will plant will grow perfectly. Pests and diseases: Star Anise is an extremely sturdy plant. Consequently, there are not a lot of diseases and pests that can infect it. In fact, this tree can protect itself. It has pest repelling properties and anti-bacterial compounds that protect it from pests and diseases. Pruning – When the plant is the young, pinch and prune it if you want to make it bushier. There are no special pruning requirements. However, you can always prune off dead, diseased and weak branches.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
Star anise tree takes at least 6 years to fruit if grown from seeds. These fruits (wrongly called seeds) are picked unripe while they are still green, these fruits are sun-dried in a sunny spot until their color changes to reddish-brown. Seeds can be removed once the fruits are ready to be stored.
How to Harvest:
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
Store in cool dry place.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
Seeds can be removed from the fruits once they turn reddish brown and when completely dried may be stored in cool dry place.

Harvest and Storage


Star Anise Uses – Star Anise is widely used in Asian cuisines to flavor dishes especially meat and curries. It is also used in desserts and beverages. Together with fennel seeds, cloves, cinnamon and pepper it is considered as one of the “Five Chinese Spice”, used for its strong taste and spicy flavor. It is an essential part of Chinese cuisines and also used in a variety of Indian recipes. It’s an addition to other popular Indian spices makes a special spicy ingredient, which is called “Garam masala”. **Don’t confuse Chinese star anise with Japanese star anise it is similar in its shape and look to the Chinese Star Anise however, Japanese star anise is a highly toxic plant.

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