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While banana plants are technically perennial herbs, Bananas are not real trees, not
even palm trees, even though they are often called banana palms. Some varieties and individuals
can reach 7.6 m (25ft.) in height. Banana trunks consists of all the leaf stalks wrapped around each
other. New leaves start growing inside, below the ground. They push up through the middle and
emerge from the center of the crown. So does the flower, which finally turns into a bunch of

Mr. John Doe

Head Director


Select your planting material. You can acquire a banana sucker (small shoot from the base of a banana plant) from another grower or plant nursery, or buy one online. A banana rhizome or corm is the base from which suckers grow. Tissue cultures are produced in laboratories to create higher fruit yield. If you’re transplanting a mature plant, prepare a hole appropriate to its size and have an assistant help you. The best suckers to use are 1.8-2.1m (6–7ft) in height and have thin, sword-shaped leaves, although smaller suckers should work well if the mother plant is healthy. Big, round leaves are a sign that the sucker is trying to make up for a lack of adequate nutrition from the mother plant. If the sucker is still attached to a mother plant, remove it by cutting forcefully downward with a clean shovel. Include a significant portion of the underground base (corm) and its attached roots. A rhizome (corm) without notable suckers can be chopped into pieces. Each piece with a bud (proto-sucker) will grow into a banana plant, but this will take longer than using a sucker. Trim the plant. Cut off any dead, insect-eaten, rotting or discolored sections of the plant. If most of the plant is affected, dispose of it away from other plants and find another planting material. If using a sucker, remove all but a few centimeters (1–2 inches) of the roots. This will limit the chance of disease. You can also remove any leaves in excess of five and/or cut the top of the plant off with a slanting cut to increase the amount of sunlight that warms the soil for root growth and rot prevention
Optimal Time/Temperature for Germination:
Humidity should be at least 50% and as constant as possible. Ideal daytime temperatures are between 26–30ºC (78–86ºF), with night temperatures no lower than 20ºC (67ºF). Acceptable temperatures are warm and very rarely reach lower than 14ºC (57ºF) or higher than 34ºC (93ºF). Bananas can take up to a year to produce fruit, so it’s important to know what range of temperatures it will experience throughout the year. If the temperature falls below 14ºC (57ºF), your banana plants will simply stop growing. A banana plant takes about 9 months to grow up and produce a bunch of bananas. Then the mother plant dies. But around the base of it are many suckers or pups, little baby plants. Hardiness zones are 9 to 11.
Optimal Soil Conditions:
Banana plants grow best with 12 hours of direct, bright sunlight each day. They can still grow with less (more slowly), but you should determine where in your yard receives the most sun. Bananas require a lot of water, but are prone to rotting if the water does not drain adequately. To test drainage, dig a hole 0.3m (1 ft.) deep, fill with water, and allow to drain. Refill once empty, then measure how much water is left after 1 hour. Approximately 7-15 cm water drainage per hour is ideal for banana plants. A raised garden bed or adding 20% perlite to the soil assists drainage. This is especially important if you are using a banana plant that does not yet have leaves, or had the leaves removed for shipping. Leaves help evaporate excess water. Remove any plants or weeds that are growing on the planting site, then dig a circular hole 30cm wide and 30 cm deep (1ft. x 1 ft.) A larger hole will provide greater support for the plant but require more soil. Leave several centimeters (a few inches) of space at the top to encourage drainage. Do not use potting soil, nor your regular garden soil unless you are sure it is suitable. Soil mixes intended for cacti can produce good results or ask other growers of the same banana variety. The ideal soil acidity for bananas is between pH 5.5 and 7. Acidity pH 7.5 or higher can kill the plant. Place the plant upright in the new soil. The leaves should be pointing upward and the soil should cover the roots and 1.5–2.5cm (0.5–1 inches) of the base. Tamp the soil down to keep it in place but don’t pack too firmly.
Seed Planting Depth, Spacing and Procedure:
Each banana plant requires a hole at least 30cm (1ft.) wide and 30cm (1ft.) deep. Larger holes should be used in areas of high wind (but will require more soil). Keep banana plants at least 4.5m(15ft) from trees and shrubs (not other banana plants) with large root systems that may compete with the bananas’ water. Multiple banana plants help each other maintain beneficial humidity and temperature levels, as long as they are planted at the correct distance. You should plant bananas in blocks or clumps, not single rows and definitely not single plants. If you have very little room you can grow a few banana plants together and grow something else on the outside to protect them. But you do need to give them that sheltered jungle environment if you want them to be happy. A clump could be with 2–3m(6.5–10ft.) between each one, or a large number of banana plants 3– 5m(10–16ft.) from each other. Dwarf varieties require less space.
Best Companion Plants and Plants that Hinder:
A mature plantation is pretty much self-mulching. Just throw all the leaves and old trunks etc. back under the plants. You can also grow other plants in the understory to produce more mulch. One grower uses cassava, sweet potato, and crotolaria and another says that these beans and legumes are heavy nitrogen-giving: chick pea, soy bean, bush bean, fava beans, lima beans, mung bean, cowpea, coffee bean, and ca

Growing Instructions

Crop Maintenance

Once your plant is mature and has several suckers, remove all but one to improve fruit yield and plant health. Cut all but one sucker off at ground level and cover the exposed plant with soil. Repeat with a deeper cut if they grow back. The surviving sucker is called the follower and will replace the mother plant after it dies. Exceptionally healthy plants can support two followers. Just remove any dead leaves and cut down the dead plants every now and then. Support the plant to avoid toppling of the plant due to strong wind or bunch weight. There are 3 easy ways of doing it: 1 Wire/Rope and Bottle Method: Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle. Insert a very long wire/very strong twine through the mouth and bottom of the bottle. Crunch the bottle to make it bendable and soft. Prop up the banana stem on the bottle, and use the wire to pull the stem slightly more upright. Tie the write to a strong support. 2 Single Bamboo Method: Use a 3m (10′) long bamboo pole or other strong, durable material. Cut a piece of Y-shaped wood 10cm (4″) thick and 60cm (2′) wide. Let the stem rest on the middle of the “Y” and push the bamboo upwards a little bit so the stem is wedged into the “Y” tightly. Bury the other end of the bamboo (the base) deeply into the ground. Tamp very firmly. 3 Double Bamboo Method: Use two 3m (10′) long bamboo poles. On one end of the poles, tie them together with strong wire 30 cm (1′) from the end. Open up the poles to form a letter “X”. Let the stem rest on the short end, push upwards a little bit to create pressure, and bury the other ends of both poles. Tamp very firmly.
Moisture Requirements & Solutions:
Underwatering is a common cause of banana plant death, but overwatering can cause the roots to rot. In warm growing weather without rain, you may need to water your plant daily, but only if the top 1.5–3 cm (0.5–1 in.) of soil is dry. Test with your finger before watering. Reduce the amount of water per session if the plant is sitting in water for long periods. (That can cause root rot). In cooler temperatures when the banana is barely growing, you may only need to water once every week or two. Remember to check soil moisture. Leaves help evaporate excess moisture, so be careful not to soak (just moisten) a young plant that has not yet grown leaves.
Weeding Needs & Solutions:
Remove dead leaves and banana plants and chop them up to place around the live plants. Other yard waste and wood ash can also be added to return nutrients to the soil. Check the mulch regularly and remove any weeds that are growing. These can compete with the banana plant. An additional 4- to 6-inch layer of mulch around the plant, but not touching the stem, helps maintain a consistent moisture level in the soil.
Feeding Needs/Optimal Natural Fertilizers:
Use store bought fertilizer, compost, manure, or a mixture of these. Add fertilizer immediately after planting in an even ring around the banana plant and repeat at monthly intervals. If the temperature falls below 14ºC(57ºF) or if the banana plant hasn’t grown since last month, skip the fertilization. Do not use manure produced in the last few weeks, as the heat it releases while decomposing can damage the plant. Water the ring of fertilizer as well to help it soak into the soil.
Pests, Diseases & Solutions:
Keep an eye out for discolorations, dying leaves, and pests. If diseased plants are discovered, identify and treat them immediately, or uproot them. Insect pests should also be controlled as soon as they are found. Nitrogen and potassium deficiencies are the two most common nutritional problems for bananas, so learn to recognize the signs: a) Signs of nitrogen deficiency: very small or pale green leaves; reddish pink leaf sheathes; poor growth rate; small fruit bunches. b) Signs of potassium deficiency: rapid appearance of orange/yellow color on leaves followed by leaf death; small or broken leaves; delayed flowering; small fruit bunches. c) Examples of major plant diseases include are Bacterial Wilt/Moko Disease; Panama Disease/Fusarium Wilt; Banana Bunchy Top; Blackhead/Root Rot/Toppling Disease; and Black Leaf Streak. d) Examples of major plant pests include: Corn Weevil; Banana Aphid; Mealy Bugs. Fruit pests include: Flower Thrips; Red Rust Thrips; and Scarring Weevil. In areas where Banana Bunchy Top exists, do not share banana suckers with friends. Only buy plants from retailers who can assure the plant is disease-free. It may not be obvious that a plant has Banana Bunchy Top so ensure you don’t share plants. The “Banana Bunchy Top Virus” is one of the most dangerous plant diseases. Once infected, even a single sucker, all the plants that are connected (including the mother plant and all its suckers) will be infected and all the plants are stunted. It’s spread by a banana pest called “Banana Aphid”. These pests are slow and live in colonies and they can transmit the disease in hours.
If temperature during winter months falls too low for your plant, there are several ways to care for it: Cover the stem with a blanket or soil. If there is no frost and the plant is still small, this may be adequate protection until the temperature rises high enough for it to grow again. 1 Store the plant inside. Uprooting the entire plant, removing the leaves, and store in moist sand in a heated indoor area. Do not water or fertilize; the plant will go dormant until you’re ready to plant it outside again. 2 Grow the plant inside. This will require a large pot with drainage hole. If you don’t want to grow your banana too big for your pot, you may need to cease or reduce the fertilizer treatments. 3 Salvage pieces to plant later. If frost or cold has killed most of your plant, chances are the suckers and corm at the base are still usable. Cut these away from the dead portion and store them in their own small pots to plant outside later.
When to Harvest/Number of days to maturity:
The typical banana plant flowers in 6- 7 months under ideal conditions, but may take up to a year depending on the climate. Never remove the leaves around the flower, as they protect it from the sun.
How to Harvest:
Wear old clothes before cutting any part of the banana plant because the sap causes black patches that are very hard to wash out. Bananas are ready to be picked when they look well rounded with ribs, and the little flowers at the end are dry and rub off easily. You can pick them now, green, and they will start ripening as soon as you pick them, no matter their size. They will eventually ripen on the bunch, too, and those bananas taste the best. But once they start, they ripen very quickly, faster than you can eat or use them. So you may as well cut the top hands off a bit earlier and ripen them on the kitchen bench by cutting a notch halfway into the tree, opposite the side of the bunch. Carefully let the tree bend and cut off the bunch. You can also cut the whole bunch and hang it somewhere if you need to protect it from possums, birds and others. All bananas will ripen at once so be prepared. Once the bunch is picked the rest of the plant will die quickly so remove the top half of the banana stem once you harvest the fruit by cutting the top half away. Desucker the base using the same process as you have while caring for your plant. Remember to leave one sucker to replace the now-dying mother plant.
Optimal Storage temperature and conditions:
You can preserve bananas for use in cooking and baking by peeling and freezing them. Also to preserve them for eating, peel, split in half lengthwise and dry them.
Optimal Preserving Procedures:
Seed Saving:
You cannot grow the usual bananas from seeds. These banana plants don’t produce viable seeds like wild bananas do.

Harvest and Storage


If your outdoor environment is inadequate, you’ll need an indoor location with similar requirements (12 hours bright light and constant warm temperature and humidity). You’ll need a large planting container sufficient for its adult size, or be willing to transplant the banana into a larger pot whenever necessary. Always use a pot with a drainage hole in a location where water can drain well. Consider a dwarf variety if you don’t have sufficient indoor space. Use half the amount of fertilizer when growing a plant indoors, or cease entirely if you don’t have room for a larger plant. (This may be suitable for a houseplant you don’t intend to harvest fruit from). Some people break off the “bell” (the bunch of purple flower petals at the end) about 15 cm below the last female hand. That way the banana plant puts its energy and reserves into growing big bananas, and not into growing a long stalk. Commercial banana growers also remove some of the bottom female hands, so the remaining bananas grow bigger. Not everyone thinks that way, though. One grower commented that they never cut the flower off the bananas because the hummingbirds love them too much. The “Banana Bunchy Top Virus” is one of the most dangerous plant diseases.[29] Once infected, even a single sucker, all the plants that are connected (including the mother plant and all its suckers) will be infected and all the plants are stunted. It’s spread by a banana pest called “Banana Aphid”. These pests are slow and live in colonies and they can transmit the disease in hours. If the newly planted banana is accidentally damaged (e.g. hit by ball) or if the plant is growing weak, but the plant is still alive, simply cut the plant in half. The banana plant will regrow. Black spots appear on the skin and spread all over the ripe bananas. Is that reason to be concerned? Not at all. That’s just the fruit at the peak of ripeness.

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